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Revision: 500+ questions to answer and topics to discuss. 



Present Perfect & Past Tense questions.


a: Have you been to Lisbon?

b: Have you been to Lisbon last year?


a: Have you been to the beer exposition last week?

b: Have you been to the beer exposition?


a: Have you ever eaten lasagna?

b: Have you eaten lasagna this week?

c: Have you eaten lasagna yesterday?


a: Have you spoken to your boss last week?

b: Have you spoken to your boss this week?


a: Have you been to Manchester?

b: Did you go to Manchester?


a: Have you been to a Shopping Mall recently?

b: Did you go to a Shopping Mall today?


a: Have you go to the world cup?

b: Did you go to the world cup in 2018?

c: Have you ever been to the world cup?


a: Did you go to the Olympics in Rio in 2016?

b: Have you been to the Olympics in Rio in 2016?


a: Have you drunk coffee yesterday?

b: Did you drink coffee yesterday?

c: Have you drunk coffee today?


a: Have you finished the reports?

b: Have you finished the reports last week?


a: Did you finish the book last week?

b: Have you finished the book last week?


a: Did you call the client today?

b: Have you called the client today?


a: Have you designed the poster yet?

b: Did you design the poster yet?


a: Did you send the report to the director today?

b: Have you sent the report to the director today?

c: Have you sent the report to the director yesterday?



Grammar. Simple Past.


Interview with Brian Forbes.


Q: Where and when was your first job and how old were you?


Brian: "My first job was at Cornhill Insurance Company in Guildford, England in 1977. I was 16 years of age. I was responsible for processing information on a small computer."


Q: How did you get the job?


Brian: "There were only women working in the department and the manager said that they needed to employ boys, too."


Q: Were you the only boy working in the department?


Brian: "No, I worked with Ross, Chris, and Frank. They were good friends as well as colleagues."


Q: Did you socialize after work?


Brian: "Yes, every night we went to pubs to drink beer, and on Wednesday nights we went to football games at Aldershot F.C, the local team, or we went to London to watch Arsenal or Chelsea." 


Q: Did you earn a good salary?


Brian: "No. we were only 16 years old and the salary was the minimum possible. But the work was interesting and the time passed very quickly."


Q: How long did you stay at Cornhill Insurance Company?


Brian: "I stayed for one year and Chris stayed for 2 years I think. Frank moved to a new company after 6 months; he was very intelligent and very good at his job. He liked to drink a lot of beer, too. I remember that. Ross worked at the company for two years, but I lost contact with him."


Q: Was it a good experience in general?


Brian: "Yes, definitely. We learned a lot. I learned to use a computer and I learned how to write business letters to clients. It was a very important first job."




1: Where was Brian's first job?


2: Where was your first job?


3: How many boys worked in the department?


4: How many boys worked in your department?


5: Did the boys socialize after work?


6: Did the boys go to football games?


7: Did you socialize after work in your first job?


8: Was Brian's salary very good?


9: Was your salary very good?


10: Was your first job very important to you?



Revision of past tense.


1,012:    What did you do last Friday?


1,013:    What did you do last Saturday?


1,014:    When was the last time you took a holiday? Where did you go?


1,015:    Why did you leave your last job?


1,016:    What was the last expensive item you bought?


1,017:    What did you do to celebrate your birthday last time?


1,018:    When was the last time you drank wine? Where were you?






Simple Past Tense.


Choose the correct grammar.


a: I go / went to college yesterday.


b: She ate / eat fettuccini yesterday.


c: I drink / drank strawberry juice on Friday.


d: The thief stole / steal two cars from the car park.


e: I buy / bought some paintings last week.


f: She saw / see lots of monkeys in the zoo.


g: He stay / stayed in prison for 5 years.


h: She took / take 200 photos of the gorillas.


i: I am / was absolutely exhausted yesterday.


j: We were / was in the car when the accident happened.


k: The babysitter take care / took care of the baby yesterday morning.


l: I publish / published my work in the science journal last month.


m: I reported / report the results to headquarters yesterday.​


n: She travel / travelled to Switzerland last year.


o: I wrote / write the song yesterday.


p: I inputted / input all the facts and data last weekend.


q: I program / programmed the system before I go / went home last night.


r: I took / take care of all the problems here last month.


s: I copy / copied everything that you asked me to.


t: She turned off / turn off the TV before she go / went to bed last night.


u: She is / was very angry last night.


v: He was / is very irresponsible in his last job.


w: They are / were / was very busy at the university yesterday.


x: They really needed / need to file the documents yesterday.


y: She send / sent the documents yesterday.


z: They have evaluate / evaluated all the employees this week.





About yourself.


1,019: What time do you usually get up?


1,020: Are you an account manager?


1,021: What do you do?


1,022: What time do you usually start work?


1,023: Do you have any meetings during the week?


1,024: Which is your bank?    


1,025: Is it efficient?    


1,026: Is it near your house?


1,027: Do you have a current account or a savings account?


1,028: Who is your account manager?


1,029: What is his / her name?


1,030: How long have you had an account at the bank?


1,031: Who opened the account? You, your employer or a relative?


1,032: Which company do you work for?


1,033: What do you do?


1,034: What are your responsibilities?


1,035: What time do you start and finish work?


1,036: Do you normally go to meetings?


1,037: Are the meetings productive?


1,038: What would you like to eat?


1,039: What would you like to drink?


1,040: What would you like to do?


1,041: What would you like to be?


1,042: Where would you like to live?


1,043: Where would you like to go on holiday?


1,044: Would you like a beer?


1,045: Would you like a coffee?


1,046: Would you like a sandwich?


1,047: Would you like some lunch?


1,048: Would you like some dinner?


1,049: Would you like to go out to dinner?


1,050: What would you like to do tomorrow?


1,051: What would you like to do on Saturday?


1,052: What would you like to do on Sunday?


1,053: What would you like to do after the lesson?


1,054: Would you prefer a coffee or a tea right now?


1,055: Would you prefer a pizza or a hotdog after the lesson?


1,056: Would you prefer a beer or a soda after the lesson?


1,057: What will you do tonight?


1,058: What will you do tomorrow?


1,059: What will you do on Saturday?


1,060: What will you do on Sunday morning?     


1,061: What would you like to do tonight?


1,062: What will you do on Sunday afternoon?  


1,063: What would you like to do on the weekend?


1,064: What will you buy today?


1,065: What will you probably eat tonight?


1,066: Where will you go after the lesson?


1,067: Where will you go tomorrow?


1,068: Where will you go on Saturday?

Richmond, London.._

Photo 2: Richmond, Southwest London.



Grammar. Simple past.


“My best holiday & my worst holiday.”


Interview with Brian Burn. (British actor)


"Where was your best holiday, and why?"


"I think the best holiday I ever had was in Kenya, Africa.


We flew out (pegamos avião) to Kenya on British Airways. The flight (voo) was very comfortable and we arrived in very good weather.


From the airport, we took a taxi to our hotel. It was a beautiful, luxurious hotel with 2 large swimming pools and an excellent restaurant.


On the second day in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, we took a safari trip (viagem) to see the lions, elephants, and zebras. It was so beautiful. There were animals everywhere.


The lions were dangerous, and so we stayed in the jeep to take photos. The elephants were magnificent. They were graceful and spent (gastaram) all their time eating! But the most beautiful were the zebras. With their black and white stripes (listras), they stood out (se destacaram) from the green grass (grama) and the green trees (arvores).


I took many photos of all the animals that we saw, but the best photos I have are of the zebras. 200 photos!"




1,069: Have you been to Kenya?


1,070: Would you like to go on a safari?


1,071: Do you like animals?


1,072: What's your favourite animal?



2nd Text Interpretation.


"Where was your worst holiday, and why?"


That would be (seria) when I went with my girlfriend to Paraguay.


The flight we took was terrible. The food was dreadful (péssimo) and the service was dreadful, too.


We landed (pousamos) in Asuncion almost 3 hours late (atrasado) because of problems in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Then, we took a taxi to our hotel.


The hotel was dirty (sujo) and the service was awful, (terrible) too. The people who worked in the hotel were not happy to see us. They didn’t want to work.


Well, anyway, the breakfast was adequate, but the lunch and dinner were awful.


We went to the centre of Asuncion, and it really is quite (bastante) pretty.


We did some shopping (fizemos compras) and everything was going well (indo bem). Suddenly (de repente), a motorbike passed us and the rider (motoqueiro) snatched (arrancou) my girlfriend's handbag. It was very frightening (assustador) and we will never go back there again.


The city of Asuncion is very pretty, but the country of Paraguay is very poor, and the services are inadequate and often rude.


Translate the following:


The best                       


The worst                      










To land                        




Often / frequently 




























Stood out




Would be











1,073: Was Brian's worst holiday in Kenya?


1,074: Where was Brian's worst holiday?


1,075: Did Brian go on safari alone?


1,076: Did Brian go to Paraguay with his wife?


1,077: Has Brian been to Argentina?


1,078: Did Brian go to the beach in Kenya?


1,079: Which hotel was the best, the one in Kenya, or the one in Paraguay?


1,080: Was Brian's girlfriend robbed in Paraguay?


1,081: What did the motorbike rider do in Asuncion?


1,082: Would Brian recommend Paraguay for a holiday?






1,083: Where was your best holiday?


1,084: Why?


1,085: Where was your worst holiday?


1,086: Why?


1,087: What's the best hotel you've ever been to? Why?


1,088: What's the worst hotel you've ever been to? Why?






don't / doesn't


a: Cicera don't / doesn't like pizza.


b: Lidia don't / doesn't want a Toyota. 


c: Juliana and her son don't / doesn't have Covid-19.


d: I doesn't / don't drink beer.


e: Paul and John doesn't / don't live in Manchester.


f:  Marcos don't / doesn't work in Porto.


g: Marcio and Eduardo don't / doesn't enjoy the weekend doing nothing.


h: Mirella and Luana doesn't / don't work together.


i:  Daniel and Luana doesn't / don't live in Canada yet.


j:  Felipe doesn't / don't like working out at the gym. 

sherlock holmes pub london.jpg

Photo 3: London.



1,089: What were you doing at 5 o’clock yesterday morning?


1,090: What were you doing at 7 o’clock yesterday morning?


1,091: What were you doing at 10 o’clock yesterday morning?


1,092: At 12 o’clock midday?


1,093: At 4 o’clock in the afternoon?


1,094: What were you doing at 8 p.m. yesterday?


1,095: At midnight?


1,096: Where were you working in April 2015?


1,097: Where were you living in June 2010?


1,098: Where were you living 20 years ago?


1,099: Where were you studying 20 years ago?                           






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35



101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112



1,100: Now count the even numbers


1,101: Now count the odd numbers


1,102: Now count backwards


1,105: Now count in increments of 3


1,106: Now count in increments of 3 going backwards


1,107: Repeat the exercise with increments of 4, 5 and 6.



Complete the sentences below.


1,108: Yesterday at 6 in the evening, I was ..........a TV series.


1,109: Last year, I was .......... in Ireland.


1,110: At 10 yesterday morning, I .......... a book about cooking.


1,111: At 9 am yesterday, she ......... to a friend on the phone.


1,112: At 8 last Saturday evening, Mirella .......... to the radio.


1,113: I ......... a copy when the Xerox machine broke down. (quebrou)


1,114: Ricardo ......... a beer when his friend called.


1,115: Last year, Gary and Tony ....... a happy hour when their wives arrived.







1,116: Do you mind doing housework?


1,117: Do you mind washing up?


1,118: Do you mind studying on the weekend?


1,119: Do you mind washing clothes?


1,120: Do you mind cooking?


1,121: Do you mind looking after the children?


1,122: Do you mind getting up early?


1,123: Do you mind working on a Saturday?


1,124: Do you mind going to the supermarket?


1,125: Do you mind staying at home on a Saturday night?


1,126: Do you mind being on your own?


1,127: Do you mind working on your own?


Photo 4: Pub on the River Wey, in the historical city of Guildford, 30 minutes from London.



Which do you prefer?


1,128: To go out in a big group or a small group?


1,129: Cooking or washing the dishes?


1,130: Washing clothes or ironing?


1,131: Going to the cinema or watching Netflix?


1,132: Going to the beach or a bar?


1,133: Swimming in a pool or in the sea?


1,134: Going out on a Saturday night or watching a film with your family?


1,135: Romantic films or comedies?


1,136: Reading detective stories or autobiographies?


1,137: Traveling by aeroplane or by coach?


1,138: Cooking for yourself or for others?


1,139: Talking in English or reading in English?


1,140: Rock music or samba?


1,141: Chinese food or Italian food?


1,142: Restaurants or pubs?


1,143: Beer or lager?


1,144: Fish or chicken?


1,145: A quiet beach or a busy beach with lots of people?


1,146: Basketball or football?


1,147: The World Cup or the Olympic Games?


1,148: Flowers or plants?


1,149: The beach or the countryside?


1,150: The winter or the summer?


1,151: Brazil or the U.S.A?


1,152: A modern pub or an old pub?


1,153: Modern furniture or antique furniture?


1,154: Summer leaves or Autumn leaves?


1,155: Travelling for a month, or a weekend break?


1,156: Houses or flats?   



True or False?


1,157: Most people prefer going to the countryside rather than the coast.


1,158: Children like playing football more than playing volleyball.


1,159: Girls prefer to go shopping than dine out.


1,160: Kids prefer to watch TV than go to the cinema.


1,161: Kids prefer fruit to ice cream.


1,162: Most adults get up late on Sundays.


1,163: We all love the music from the northeast of Brazil.


1,164: The English are lazy compared to the Germans.


1,165: Brazilians are lazy compared to Europeans.


1,166: Botafogo is Brazil’s most popular team.


1,167: Real Madrid are the only team from Madrid.


1,168: California is the U.S.A’s largest state.


1,169: London was the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution.


1,170: Britney Spears is English.


1,171: Brazil has more obesity than in the USA.


1,172: Global warming is a reality.

Oxford University 2.jpg

Photo 5: Oxford University.



Present Perfect Continuous.


I have been = an action or situation from the past until the present, with no interruptions.



1,173: I have ............ hard this month. (work)


1,174: I have ............ a lot recently. (study)


1,175: I have ............ in …….. for ..... years. (live)


1,176: I’ve ............ too much lately. (eat)


1,177: And I’ve ............ too much beer as well. (drink)








When While After Before During Until


1,179: I had a coffee ............ the dinner.


1,180: Unfortunately, she arrived ........... the happy hour had finished.


1,181: Laura met the secretary  ............ they were working in Rio.


1,182: My parents got married ........... the Olympic Games.


1,183: She’ll be too busy to leave ........... the meeting ends.


1,184: I was very unhappy .......... lunch.


1,185: I lived in São Paulo ............ I studied at Google.


1,186: .......... you get there, call me.


1,187: ........... is your birthday?


1,188: Could you be quiet ............ I’m trying to sleep, please?


1,189: ............ turning on the computer, check the electricity.


1,190: I’ll meet you ............ the show.







In or on?  (forms of transportation)


We use ‘in’ when you need to lower your head to get in / embark.


We use ‘on’ when you don’t need to lower your head to get on / embark.


In the car.

In the taxi.


On the bus.

On the train.

On the bike.




1,191: He was sitting...........the bus.


1,192: She was getting..........the plane.


1,193: Please, sit............the taxi.


1,194: He got............the motorbike and went home.


1,195: She is...........the train.


1,196: I was reading my book............the car and I started feeling sick.


1,197: He is............the bike.


1,198: She left her bag............the aeroplane.


1,199: He left his passport............the ship.


1,200: The tourists are............the yacht. (yot) 


1,201: There are many people...........the ferry today.







1,202: I need......go now.


1,203: I have......go now.


1,204: I have at UFPB.


1,205: He is......the car.


1,206: She would tonight.


1,207: She would like......go shopping on Saturday.


1,208: He is......the ferryboat.


1,209: I was......the train when I met Angela.


1,210: I went......the cinema last night.


1,211: I am going......the bank now.


1,212: Please, buy me a


1,213: I sister yesterday.


1,214: Let’s go.....the cinema?


1,215: Have you been......Manchester?


1,216: Have you eaten......this restaurant?


1,217: What time do you normally


1,218: He has worked......the school for 5 years.


1,219: She has lived ...... London for 2 years.


1,220: The metro line is connected ..... the bus lines.




Revision of past tense.


1,221:   What did you do last Friday?


1,222:   What did you do last Saturday?


1,223:   When was the last time you took a holiday? Where did you go?


1,224:   Why did you leave your last job?


1,225:   What was the last expensive item you bought?


1,226:   What did you do to celebrate your birthday last time?


1,227:   When was the last time you drank beer or wine? Where were you?






1,228: What do you think is the current rate of unemployment in your country?


1,229: Does the government help to pay the bills if you are unemployed?


1,230: What social benefits or help are there for the unemployed in your country?


1,231: What can be done to create jobs? More tourism? Better universities?


1,232: What can be done about crime?


1,233: Do you know anybody who is in a gang?


1,234: What do you imagine are the worst things about being unemployed? Poverty? Loneliness? Boredom? Depression?


1,235: Is corruption bad in your country?


1,236: Does your country need more hospitals?


1,237: What should the priority be in your opinion? Hospitals, schools, universities, roads, rivers, pollution, unemployment, or inflation?






1,238: Do you like discussing politics or is it boring for you?


1,239: Do you like discussing economics or is it boring for you?


1,240: What do you like to discuss when you are with friends?


1,241: What don’t you like to discuss when you are with friends?


1,242: Do you believe the newspapers?


1,243: Do you believe the news on Facebook?


1,244: What do you prefer to read?


1,245: What social media do you prefer to use?






1,246: Does your city need more hospitals?


1,247: What should the priority be in your opinion? Hospitals, schools, universities, roads, rivers, pollution, unemployment, or inflation?


1,248: Are the roads good in your city, or do they need improving?


1,249: Should tourism or industry be a priority? Why?


1,250: Should universities or primary schools be a priority? Why?


1,251: Is inflation bad in your country? Are you paying more for food, restaurants, buses, clothes etcetera this year?


1,252: Is it good to work in the public sector? Why or why not?


1,253: If you were unemployed, what would you do to find a job?


a: Would you call friends?


b: Would you contact companies?


c: Would you ask your family to help you?


d: Would you contact a recruitment agency?


1,254: What is the minimum necessary for someone who is unemployed?  A minimum salary? Help to pay the rent? Food?


1,255: What should the minimum be?


1,256: Is it better to work 7 hours a day, or run your own business?


1,257: Would you like to open your own business? If so, what?


1,258: Do you prefer to buy food, electronics, books, etc., in shops or via the internet?


1,259: Do you trust the internet? Is your information protected in your opinion?


1,260: Do you prefer to use a laptop or a smartphone?



Photo 6: Guildford



Past Tense. 


“Things were different back then.”


Interview with Winnie Pendergrass.


"Things were different when I was young. In those days it was a different world. I lived in a small coal-mining village in West Yorkshire in the north of England. My grandfather worked in the coal mine, my father worked in the coal mine and my older brother, too."


1,261:  What does your father do? And your brother?


1,262:  Where does your family come from?


1,263:  Which state in Brazil is famous for its mines?


"I started school when I was 5. Every kid in the village was in my class. Some children were 5, some 6 and some 8, etc. It had to be like that, because there was only one teacher in the village, and she taught maths, English, geography, history, etc."


1,264:  When you were 7 years old, how was your school compared to Winnie’s?


1,265:  How old were you when you started school?


1,266:  Did you study English at school?


1,267:  Did you like history, geography, maths etc.?



"The next teacher, when I was 10 years old, was very strict with us. If we didn’t pay attention, he would throw something at us or hit us with his ruler. But we learned to be disciplined!"


1,268: Were your teachers strict at primary school?


1,269: What about when you were a teenager?


"After school, when I was 10 years old, I remember that I used to go home and sit by the fire and do my homework or read. I remember that it was always cold in Yorkshire. We didn’t have a telly or a radio, so we used to pass the time playing the piano and singing or reading and talking."


1,270:  How was your life different when you were younger?


"When I was twelve, I had to get a bus to the next town where I went to secondary school. The journey was long and cold, and I thought that that town was the biggest in the world because, compared to my village, it really was!"


1,271:  Do you remember your secondary school?


1,272:  Can you describe it?


1,273:  Did it have many classrooms?


1,274:  Were there many teachers?


1,275:  Were there any strange teachers?


1,276:  Was it far from your home?


"After secondary school, I went to university. My mother and father supported me. I was the first girl from my village to go to university, but my father’s friends from the coal mine said that it was a waste of time, because a girl needed to get married and have babies, not study. In those days few girls went to university in England.


My brothers and my father were very understanding but my grandfather kept asking me when I was going to get married and have children!"


Winnie Pendergrass.



1,277:   Did girls go to university in your country 75 years ago?


1,278:  Nowadays, are there more girls than boys at university?


1,279:  Did fathers have the same chauvinistic attitude as Winnie’s grandfather in your country?


1,280:  What do men think about girls going to university nowadays? Are they for or against the idea in general?



True or false?


1,281: Winnie was five years old when she started school.


1,282: She went to secondary school when she was ten.


1,283: Her grandfather supported her university education but her father didn’t.


1,284: It was always cold in Yorkshire.


1,285:  Winnie thought that the coal-mining village was the world’s biggest city.


1,286: She had no TV.


1,287: She used to study after school.


1,288: She had no brothers.


1,289: She went to university by car.


1,290: Her teacher was very strict.


1,291: Her teacher used to hit her.


1,292: She went to a huge school.


1,293: There were a lot of job options in Winnie’s village.


1,294: Her father was a policeman.



True or false about your life at school?


1,295: I started school when I was 6.


1,296: My primary school teachers were very strict.


1,297: My teachers used to hit me.


1,298: My father didn’t want me to go to university.


1,299: There were children of different ages in my class.


1,300: My secondary/ high school was huge with hundreds of pupils.


1,301: When I was 16, I used to go to school by bus.


1,302: I used to do my high school / secondary school homework as soon as I got home.


1,303:  My family used to play the piano and sing at night.







I used to.


We use ‘I used to’ when we are talking about something that we did all the time but that we don’t do anymore.




I used to live in England.


I used to play football.


I used to go swimming every Saturday.


I used to watch children’s programs on TV.



1,304:  Give 5 examples of things that you used to do.





1,305: How long have you lived in ………………..?


1,306: How long have you studied English?


1,307: How long have you worked  ……………..?


1,308:  Are you married?


1,309:  How long have you been married?


1,310:  What do you think of English grammar?


1,311:  What do you think of the weather in your city?


1,312:  Do you speak English quite well, well, or very well?


1,313:  Which cities have you been to in Europe?


1,314:  Which ones did you like? Why?


1,315:  Which beaches have you been to outside your own country?


1,316:  Which cities would you like to go to?


1,317:  Do you like museums? Why or why not?


1,318:  What did you buy during your last holiday?


1,319:  What would you like to buy this year?






Simple Past Tense


Choose the correct grammar.


a: I gone / went to the centre of the city yesterday.


b: She ate / eaten baked potatoes yesterday.


c: I drunk / drank passion fruit juice on Friday.


d: The thief operate / operated inside the government.


e: I bought / buyed the food from the supermarket last night.


f: She saw / seen lots of flamingos on the safari last year.


g: He got / get in the taxi late at night.


h: She took / take 250 photos of the flamingos.


i: I am / was worried about you last weekend.


j: We were / was in the supermarket all morning.


k: The father take care / taked care / took care of the baby yesterday morning.


l: I publish / published my book on Kindle.


m: I reported / report the results to the head office yesterday.​


n: She travel / travelled to Australia last year.


o: I wrote / write the text yesterday.


p: I input / input all the information last weekend.


q: I program / programmed the system before I go / went home last night.


r: I took / taken care of all the customer complaints in my last job.


s: I copy / copied everything that you asked me to.


t: She turned off / turn off the laptop before she go / went to bed last night.


u: She is / was married before. 


v: He was / is very important in his last job.


w: They are / were / was very busy at the street fair yesterday.


x: They really needed / need to pay the invoices yesterday.


y: She requested / request the documents yesterday.


z: They evaluate / evaluated the clinical trials last week.





Necessary vocabulary.


Should. (deveria)


1,320:  I should have a shower every morning.


1,321:  I should study English every day.


1,322:  I should do more physical exercise.


1,323:  I should eat less chocolate and biscuits.


1,324:  I should brush my teeth before I go to bed.


Even though.  (embora)


1,325: I feel very hot today even though it’s only 15c.


1,326: My wife won’t let me buy a new TV even though we’ve got a lot of money.


1,327: I’m getting fat even though I’ve been doing a lot of exercise recently.


1,328: My bag is very heavy even though there’s almost nothing in it.


1,329: My friend is still unemployed even though he’s been to university.



On my own.  (sozinho)


1,330: There is nobody here except me. I am on my own.


1,331: There is nobody there except him. He is on his own.


1,332: There is nobody there except her. She is on her own.



Get. (fico)


1,333: When I work a lot, I get tired.


1,334: When it’s very hot here, I get tired and irritated.


1,335: When the traffic is slow, I get angry.


1,336: When I eat too much, I get fat.


1,337: I always get fed up when the internet doesn’t work.



Too.  (demais)


1,338: The book is too long. It won’t fit in my pocket.


1,339: The temperature is 40c. It’s too hot to play football.


1,340: The sea is only 10c. It’s too cold to swim.


1,341: My sister weighs 150kg. She’s too fat.


1,342: He’s only 1 metre 45 cm. He’s too short to play basketball.

Shortlands, London

Photo 7: Shortlands Tavern, Southeast London.



Improve your ability.



1,343:  Which region of your country has the best weather?


1,344:  Which region has the worst weather?


1,345:  Talk about the nightlife in your city.


1,346:  Which are the best restaurants, pubs and shops in your city?


1,347:  Are there many jobs in your city, or is unemployment high?


1,348:  Where would you prefer to live? Why?


1,349:  Do you like drinking or eating out after work or university?


1,350:  Do you like socializing with colleagues?


1,351:  Is there a limit to how much someone should drink?


1,352:  Does alcohol help you to relax?


1,353:  Do you drink when you’re depressed or happy, or neither?


1,354:  Is it possible to give up drinking or smoking?


1,355:  Is smoking acceptable in restaurants?


1,356:  Do you allow people to smoke in your home?


1,357:  Do you or would you allow your children to smoke?


1,358:  What sort of thing do you like doing in the Summer?


1,359:  What sort of thing do you like doing when it’s raining?


1,360:  What sort of thing do you like doing on the weekend?


1,361:  What would you prefer to do on Saturday night if you had a lot of money?


1,362:  What kind of thing do you like doing when it is 38c to 40c?


1,363:  What sort of thing do you like reading?


1,364:  Which magazines do you prefer?


1,365:  Which part of a newspaper do you read first?


1,366:  Do you mind people smoking when you’re eating?


1,367:  Do you mind people talking when you’re watching a film?


1,368:  Do you mind doing homework?


1,369:  Do you mind waiting for someone who’s late?


1,370:  Do you mind working long hours?


1,371:  Do you mind working at night?





True or False?


11,292:    Most people prefer to work during the week than go to the coast.


12,293:    Girls like playing football more than playing volleyball.


13,294:    Girls prefer to go shopping than go to the beach.


14,295:    Kids prefer to watch Netflix or play video games than go to the cinema or watch TV.


15,296:    Men prefer wine to beer these days.


16,297:    Most adults get up late on Sundays.


17,298:    We all love the Carnaval.


18,299:    Los Angeles is the USA’s second-biggest city.


19,300:    New York is the capital of the U.S.A.


20,301:    The U.S.A was the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution.


21,302:     Asia is the most important continent economically nowadays.


21,303:     The traffic in my city is only heavy in the rush hour.


21,304:     London is the capital of Florida.


21,305:     Barcelona is situated in the south of Spain.


21,306:     Rotterdam in Holland is Europe’s largest port.


21,307:     Every country in Europe uses the euro as its currency.


21,308:     Manchester is famous for its football clubs.


21,309:     The Carnaval in Rio de Janeiro is the world’s biggest.


21,310:     São Paulo is a very popular city with tourists.

Cambridge (1).jpg

Photo 8: University of Cambridge.



Present Perfect Continuous.


I have been +


I have been = an action or situation from the past until the present, with no interruptions.



31,311:    I have............hard this month. (work)


31,312:    I have............a lot recently. (study)


31,313:    I …….. for ……. years. (live)


31,314:    I’ve................too much lately. (eat)


31,315:    And I’ve..............too much beer as well. (drink)





When While After Before During Until


31,316:    I had a coffee .......... my university test.


31,317:    Worse luck, she arrived .......... the party had finished.


31,318:    She met her boyfriend .......... she was studying in Belgium.


31,319:    My parents got married .......... they moved to the countryside.


31,320:    She’ll be too busy to leave .......... the presentation ends.


31,321:    I was very unhappy .......... I met my new girlfriend.


31,322:    I lived in London .......... I studied for my diploma at the Event Academy.


31,323:    ........... you get there, call me.


31,324:    ........... is your birthday?


31,325:    Would you mind not singing ............ I’m working, please?


31,326:    ............ turning on the computer, check the electricity.


31,327:    I’ll meet you ............ the party.



Transport: In or on? (revision)


We use ‘in’ when you need to lower your head to get in / embark.


We use ‘on’ when you don't need to lower your head to get on / embark.


In the car.

In the taxi.


On the bus.

On the train.

On the bike.




31,328:    He was sitting......the bus.


31,329:    She was getting......the aeroplane.


31,330:    Please, sit......the taxi.


31,331:    She was getting......the motorbike when her telephone rang.               


31,332:    She is......the train.


31,333:    I was reading my book......the car and I started feeling sick.


31,334:    He is......the bike.


31,335:    She left her bag......the aeroplane.


31,336:    He left his passport......the ship.


31,337:    The tourists are......the yacht. (pronunciation = yot) 


31,338:    There are many people......the bus today.





31,339:    I need......go now.


41,340:    I have......go now.


41,341:    I have at UFPB.


41,342:    He is......the car.


41,343:    She would tonight.


41,344:    She would like......go shopping on Saturday.


41,345:    He is......the bus.


41,346:    I was......the train when I met Angela.


41,347:    I went......the cinema last night.


41,348:    I am going......the bank now.


41,349:    Please, buy me a


51,350:    I sister yesterday.


51,351:    Let’s go......the cinema?


51,352:    Have you been........Manchester?


51,353:    Have you eaten.........this restaurant?


51,354:    What time do you normally


51,355:    He has worked........the school for 5 years.


51,356:    She has lived........Valletta for 2 years.


51,357:    The metro line is connected.......the bus lines.

London cruise.jpg

Photo 9: 



51,358:    Which is the most important time of the year for you? Easter, Christmas, wedding anniversary or family birthdays?


51,359:    Which is your favourite time of the year?


a: Spring?

b: Summer?

c: Autumn?

d: Winter?


61,360: Why or why not?


61,361: Do you prefer to sleep at night when it is hot, warm, or cold? Why?


61,362: What was the most difficult time or moment in your life?


61,363: Have you ever had a job that was very difficult, or where your boss was mean, rude or harassed you?


61,364: Have you ever lived in a place that you felt was wrong for you? If so, what did you do to solve the problem?


61,365: Have you ever been sick for a long period of time?


a: Did the time pass slowly?


b: What did you do during this period of illness?


61,366:  Have you ever broken a bone? For example, your arm or your leg?


61,367:  If so, how long did it take you to recuperate? Was it a boring period in your life?




Revision of past tense.


61,368:   What did you do last Friday?


61,369:   What did you do last Saturday?


71,370:   When was the last time you took a holiday? Where did you go?


71,371:   Why did you leave your last job?


71,372:   What was the last expensive item you bought?


71,373:   What did you do to celebrate your birthday last time?


71,374:   When was the last time you drank beer or wine? Where were you?







71,375:    Is English an important language for your career or studies?


71,376:    Do you think that you will need to use English a lot in the future?


71,377:    Do you think of English as a cost or as an investment?


71,378:    Do you think that full immersion (intercâmbio) could be a good way for you to perfect your English fluency? Or is it too difficult to find the time to study in Europe?


71,379:    Do you have kids? If so, do they study English at a school?


71,380:    Do you feel confident to attend a job interview in English?




Health. Discussion.


81,381:    What is good health for you?


81,382:    What is a healthy breakfast?


81,383:    What is healthy exercise?


a: Football?


b: Volleyball?


c: Boxing?


d: Walking?


e: Swimming?


81,384:    Is it important to keep the mind healthy, too? How?





Past tense and past continuous.


Put the verbs in brackets into either the simple past (e.g. did) or the past progressive/ past continuous (e.g. was doing).




When Debora (leave), she said she (expect) a phone call.


When Debora left, she said she was expecting a phone call.


100,419:  Debora (get) to the nightclub just before midnight. Everyone (dance).


100,420:  She immediately (look) for her boyfriend, John, but he (drink) in another pub.


100,421:  When John (come) out of the pub, Debora (wait) in the nightclub still.


100,422:  John (cross) the road to go to the nightclub and Debora continued (dance).


100,423:  Debora (notice) a good-looking chap who (talk) to some people in another part of the nightclub but also (look) at her.


100,424:  John finally (arrive) at the nightclub but his girlfriend (dance) with another man.






Change the form of the adjective, when necessary, into an adverb.




(shy) Adriana was a very ………. person. shy


(shy) She looked at the young man ……… shyly


100,427: (doubtful) John seemed very ………. when Debora said she didn't like dancing.


100,428: (doubtful) John looked at her ………


100,429: (happy) Everyone at the nightclub was ……….


100,430: (happy) Debora wasn't very ....... with John.


100,431: (quiet) Debora is normally a very ………. person.


100,432: (quiet) Debora finished the evening sitting ........ at home alone.


100,433: (anxious) Occasionally, Debora looked at the telephone  …………


100,434: (anxious) She was starting to feel very  ……….. about her relationship with John.


Photo 10: Afternoon Tea.

Improve your fluency.




101,435: What is a healthy breakfast in your opinion?


101,436: What is a healthy lunch?


101,437: What is a healthy snack?


101,438: What is a healthy exercise in your opinion?


101,439: What is the solution to obesity in your country?


101,440: Is McDonald's the reason for obesity in people?



Discussion: Loneliness. 


101,444: Describe a situation in which you have felt very lonely.


101,445: What did you do to feel happier?






Global weather changes. 


Will there be......?


101,446: More droughts in the north of Brazil?


101,447: More forest fires in the Amazon and Pantanal?


101,448: More floods in São Paulo?


101,449: More hurricanes in Florida?






Sickness / illness.


Will there be cures for the following?


101,455: Alzheimer.


101,456: Cancer.


101,457: Obesity.


101,458: High blood pressure.


101,459: Fibromyalgia.




Will there be.......?


101,460: A cure for the common cold.


101,461: Genetic modifications.






101,462: Will there be an end to Covid-19, or will it continue forever? 


101,463: Will there be another coronavirus like Covid-19?


101,464: Will health plans become more expensive?


101,465: Will stomach reductions be popular in the future?




Museums and Mines.


101,466: Which museums have you been to?


101,467: Do you think that museums should be free for children? Free for everyone?


101,468: Have you ever been to a mine?


101,469: Would you be scared to descend 500 metres?


101,470: Do you remember the terrible accident in the mine in Chile?


101,471: Did you watch the rescue on TV?




Talk about your country.


101,472: What is the name of your President?


101,473: Which political party won the last election?


101,474: How often are the presidential elections in Brazil?


101,475: Are there differences between the politics in the south and the politics in the north of Brazil? 


101,476: Is the economy in the south richer than in the north? 


101,477: Which city is the capital of Brazil?


101,478: Which city is the biggest in Brazil?


101,479: Is Rio considered to be the nation’s cultural city?


101,480: Is music different depending on the region of Brazil? For example? 


101,481: Which areas of Brazil suffer from drought (seca)?  


101,482: São Paulo is a city comprising (composto de) many people from all over Brazil. Why did those people move to São Paulo?


101,483: Brazil has 3 different police forces; the Federal, Civil, and Military police. What are the differences between their roles (papeis)?


101,484: Brazil has a Congress. How do you vote for your representatives?


101,485: What is the approximate, current population in Brazil, 190 million, 200 million, 215 million? 


101,486: Do indigenous Indians still live in Amazonia?


101,487: Are they important to Brazil’s culture?


101,488: Is the deforestation of the Pantanal and the Amazon still continuing? 


101,489: In general, are you optimistic or pessimistic about Brazil’s future? Give reasons for your answer.


101,490: Is Brazil going to have problems with another major epidemic? Is the country prepared now?






101,491: Do you feel stressed or anxious in life?


101,492: Is there a solution for your stress or anxiety?


101,493: Is your stress due to social media, technology, work, politics, the pandemic?


101,494: What do you do to try to control or limit your stress?






101,495: Is quarantine working in Brazil?


101,496: What do you do during quarantine?


101,497: Do you think there will be a vaccine in the near future?


101,498: What is the next step for the government to take?


101,499: Are you worried about the economy?


101,500: How do you think the world will change after coronavirus?





Grammar: There is, there are, have.


Which is correct, and which is incorrect? 


​a: There is a bakery on my street.

b: Have a bakery on my street.


c: Have a very good shopping centre on Avenida Paulista, São Paulo.

d: There are a very good shopping centre on Avenida Paulista, São Paulo.

e: There is a very good shopping centre on Avenida Paulista, São Paulo. 


f: There are two cartons of milk in my fridge.

g: Have two cartons of milk in my fridge.


h: There is a lot of traffic in my street every day.

i:  Have a lot of traffic in my street every day.


j: There are many cars on my street every day.

k: There is many cars on my street every day.

l: Have many cars on my street every day. 


m: In my company, there are many employees with expensive smartphones.

n:  In my company, have many employees with expensive smartphones.


o: There are many discounts available in shops during a recession.

p: There is many discounts available in shops during a recession.

q: Have many discounts available in shops during a recession.


r: There isn't a Human Resources department in my company.

s: No have a Human Resources department in my company.

t: There aren't a Human Resources department in my company.


u: Don't have a shopping centre or a sports centre in my neighbourhood.

v: There isn't a shopping centre or a sports centre in my neighbourhood.


w: There aren't air conditioning in my house.

x: There isn't air conditioning in my house.


y: Don't have a competent leader in my department.

z: There isn't a competent leader in my department.






Would have /  should have  / could have


Would have = teria

Should have = deveria ter

Could have = poderia ter


Translate the following: 


a: If I’d had 50 R$ yesterday, I would have drunk some beer.

Se eu tivesse tido 50R$ ontem, ......................................


b: If I’d gone to Outback yesterday, I would have eaten ribs.

Se eu tivesse ido ao Outback ontem, ...............................


c: Had you told me earlier, I would have brought your book.

Se tivesse me contado mais cedo, ....................................


d: I would have helped you with your problem if you had asked me.

………………………………………………    se você tivesse pedido.


e: I should have paid my bills on time.


f: I should have bought a new telephone before this one broke.


g: I should have gone to the doctor before I got sicker.


h: I should have helped you. I’m sorry.


i: I could have taken the vaccine. Now I’ve got covid.


j: I could have invested my money better.


k: If you had invited me yesterday, I could have met you.


l: If you had told me about your problem, I could have helped you.






Simple Past Tense


Choose the correct grammar.


a: I gone / went from Portugal to Italy by car last year. 


b: She ate / eaten a bacon sandwich for breakfast.


c: I decided / decide to work for another company.


d: The minister for the economy transfer / transferred millions to his personal bank account.


e: I look / looked for a new watch to buy in the shopping centre.


f: She saw / seen lots of lions on the safari last year.


g: He stay / stayed at the company until his boss got fire / fired.


h: She took / take 120 photos of the antelopes.


i: I am / was fed up with everything in my last department.


j: We were / was in the nightclub last night.


k: The doctor taken care / took care of all her patients before she went / go home. 


l: The director take / took her work home with her. 


m: We reported / report the results to the HR department yesterday.​


n: She travel / travelled to Ireland last year.


o: The author wrote / write the next chapter in less than a day.


p: I input / input all the information last weekend.


q: I program / programmed the system before I go / went home last night.


r: It took / taken me one hour to drive to the centre in the traffic. 


s: I copy / copied everything that you send / sent me.


t: She turned off / turn off the Laptop before she go / went to bed last night.


u: She is / was very irritating last night.


v: He was / is very irresponsible in his last job.


w: They are / were / was very busy in the laboratory yesterday.


x: They needed / need the money immediately. 


y: She sent / sended the documents yesterday.


z: They evaluate / evaluated the situation before taking any action. 






Comparative exercises:


Which is correct?


a: The sky is more clear.

b: The sky is clearer.


c: My friend is more tall than me. 

d: My friend is taller than me.


e: Belo Horizonte is further from São Paulo than Campinas is. 

f:  Belo Horizonte is more far from São Paulo than Campinas is. 


g: The bank is nearer to my house than the post office is.

h: The bank is more near to my house than the post office is.


i: São Paulo is more big than Rio de Janeiro.

j: São Paulo is bigger than Rio de Janeiro.


k: Lasagna is more good for lunch than a snickers bar.

l: Lasagna is better for lunch than a snickers bar.


Make the comparative:


small / smaller













Long adjectives, three syllables or more:


Expensive / more expensive










e.g. the correct is "more expensive, more incredible, more beautiful, more wonderful, more independent, more respectful etc etc." 



Adjectives that end with 'y'. Make the comparative.


dry / drier














don't / doesn't


a: She don't / doesn't like chocolate.


b: Lidia don't / doesn't have a Ferrari. 


c: Juliana and her son don't / doesn't have Covid-19.


d: I doesn't / don't drink beer.


e: Paul and John doesn't / don't live in Manchester.


f:  Marcos don't / doesn't work in Porto.


g: Marcio and Eduardo don't / doesn't enjoy the weekend doing nothing.


h: Mirella and Luana doesn't / don't work together.


i:  Daniel and Luana doesn't / don't live in Canada yet.


j:  Felipe doesn't / don't like working out at the gym. 




Word Confusion.


Was & Has


a: Denis has a new sports car.


b: Charles was happy before the awful breakfast was served.


c: Ivone was unhappy before she had the delicious lunch.


d: Charles has a Mini Cooper.


e: Mirella was on holiday in Sweden.


f: Cicera was disappointed with Paris.


g: Lidia has a huge mansion in the sticks.


h: Daniel has his own business. He is self-employed.


i: Debora was anxious about the near future.


j: Marcio has plans for the long term.


k: Eduardo was planning for the medium term.


l: Catherine likes to plan only for the short term.






I was going to…… = Eu ia…………


e.g. I was going to tell you = Eu ia te contar.


Translate and complete the following:


z: Eu ia dizer =


y: Eu ia comprar um telefone mas ....


x: Eu ia ao Shopping mas .....


w: Eu ia cozinhar ....... mas .....


v: Eu ia treinar mas .....


u: Eu ia te contar mas .....


t: Eu ia trabalhar até 18h mas .....


s: Eu ia ter reunião mas .....




Congratulations! You have successfully concluded all the Pre-Intermediate phase of your English course.



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