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Image by Daniel Seßler

Photo 1: The Lonely Tree, Snowdonia National Park, North Wales. 

Pre-Intermediate 6


120+ questions and discussion topics.


Present Perfect & Past Tense questions.


Present perfect = today, this week, this month this year, recently. (sem data no passado) 


Past tense = yesterday, last week, last month, last year, 5 hours ago, 2 days ago etc. (questions with "Did you....?") 


a: Have you been to Bahia?

b: Have you been to Bahia last year?


a: Have you been to the book exposition last week?

b: Have you been to the book exposition?


a: Have you ever eaten feijoada?

b: Have you eaten feijoada this week?

c: Have you eaten feijoada yesterday?


a: Have you spoken to your mother last week?

b: Have you spoken to your mother this week?


a: Have you been to Manchester?

b: Did you go to Manchester?


a: Have you been to Shopping D&D?

b: Did you go to Shopping D&D?


a: Did you go to the world cup?

b: Did you go to the world cup in 2018?

c: Have you ever been to the world cup?


a: Did you go to the Olympics in Rio in 2016?

b: Have you been to the Olympics in Rio in 2016?


a: Have you drunk coffee yesterday?

b: Did you drink coffee yesterday?

c: Have you drunk coffee today?


a: Have you finished the project?

b: Have you finished the project last week?


a: Did you finish the project last week?

b: Have you finished the project last week?


a: Did you call the client today?

b: Have you called the client today?


a: Have you designed the page?

b: Did you design the page 3 days ago?

c: Did you design the page today?


a: Did you send an email to Miss Reeves today?

b: Have you sent an email to Miss Reeves today?

c: Have you sent an email to Miss Reeves yesterday?



Word Confusion.


Was & Has


a: Denis has a new sports car.


b: Charles was happy before the awful breakfast was served.


c: Ivone was unhappy before she had the delicious lunch.


d: Charles has a Mini Cooper.


e: Mirella was on holiday in Sweden.


f: Cicera was disappointed with Paris.


g: Lidia has a brand-new bicycle.


h: Daniel has his own business. He is self-employed.


i: Daniel was anxious about the near future.


j: Marcio has plans for the long term.


k: Eduardo was planning for the medium term.


l: Catherine likes to plan only for the short term.





Are you introverted or extroverted?


1: Do you usually feel well and healthy?


2: Do you find it difficult to introduce yourself to strangers at parties?


3: When you buy things, do you find it easy to spend your money without thinking too much about it?


4: Do you sometimes make a fool of yourself and worry about it later?


5: If you have a problem, do you find it easy to turn to other people for advice?


6: Would you prefer to play the trumpet rather than the flute?


7: Are you always in a hurry, whether or not you have enough time?


8: Do you often put things off; that is, do them later rather than immediately?


9: Do you prefer to spend your holiday in a city with lots of shops, bars, and history rather than in a quiet place in the country?


10: If you saw a famous person in the street, would you find it easy to go up and start a conversation?


11: Generally speaking, do you make up your mind easily when sudden decisions have to be made?


12: Do you often forget things?


13: Do you enjoy doing crossword puzzles?


14: Could you get yourself ready to go to a party in fifteen minutes if you suddenly got an invitation to one?


15: Do you consider yourself more reserved and shier than most people?


16: Do you usually prefer to send messages to people to making phone calls?


17: Do you usually look forward to doing things you have never done before?


18: Do you find it exciting to watch competitive sports (i.e. football, tennis, etc.) on TV or at stadiums?


19: Do you often find yourself doing several things at once rather than one thing at a time?


20: Do you often find it difficult to relax, even when you have no work to do?


21: Do you lose your temper easily?


22: Do you usually find it easy to concentrate on something for a long time?


23: Are you often late?


24: Do you - or would you - find it interesting to spend a lot of time carrying out research and getting information?


25: Do you smile easily and freely?


26: Do you ever find it exciting to take risks even when they are not really necessary?


27: Are you easily bored by dull, routine work or jobs?


28: Do you enjoy gambling?


29: Do you consider yourself reliable?


30: Which animal, a dog or a cat, do you think would make a better pet?


How to find your score.


Start out with a score of 30 before you begin.


Except for questions 13, 15, and 24 add one point to this score for every question that your partner answered yes to.


For questions 13, 15 and 24, take away one point for each yes answer.


For question 30, if your partner answered 'dog' add 1 point.


If your partner answered 'cat' take away 1 point.


What the score means:


49-57 You seem to be very extroverted. You probably find it very difficult to be alone and perhaps seem to other people like someone who always has to be the centre of attention. This may make it difficult for some people to appreciate you


38-48 You don’t fall easily into either the introverted or extroverted category. Many people may think you are extroverted and not realise your need for space and time on your own. On the whole, however, you are probably very well-balanced. You find it easy to be with people but also like your own company.


25-37 You tend to fall more into the introverted than the extroverted category. Although you have some very good friends, you probably prefer smaller groups to larger ones. People may sometimes confuse your sensitivity and understanding of other people with reserve or aloofness.


12-24 You are definitely introverted. However, perhaps you lack self-confidence. It is this lack of self-confidence that may prevent you from enjoying life to the full. There is also a strong possibility that you spend too much time worrying about things which are really not as important as they seem.


Under 12 It would seem that you are painfully shy and lack self-confidence.


Grammar and Vocabulary.


Match the vocabulary (1-5) with their definitions (a-e).


1  shy                                        

2  sociable

3  reserved                              

4  conceited

5  rude


a)  fond of being with other people; friendly

b)  not at all polite

c)  nervous in the company of other people

d)  unwilling to talk about personal feelings

e)  having too high an opinion of oneself




Put the verbs in brackets into either the simple past (e.g. did) or the past progressive/ past continuous (e.g. was doing).




When Mirella (leave) her house, she said she (go) to meet a friend.


When Mirella left, she said she was going to meet a friend.


683:  Mirella (meet) her friend at around eight that night. Her friend (wait) for her on the corner.


684:  She immediately (approach) her friend, Alan, but he (look) in the other direction.


685: When Alan (say) hi, Mirella (say) hi, too.


686:  A lot more people (come) to the party but Mirella and Alan (continue) to talk together.


687:  After an hour, Alan (go) into the kitchen to get a beer. When he (come) out he saw that Mirella (dance) with some other girls. 


688:  Alan (look) at her and (smile).


689:  Alan was happy that Mirella (have) fun.


690:  Alan and Mirella (leave) around two in the morning, but the others were all (dance) and (drink) still.





Change the form of the adjective, when necessary, into an adverb.




(shy) Adriana was a very......person. shy


(shy) She looked at the young man......shyly



691: (happy) Luana seemed very ...... when Juliana said she was enjoying the party.


692: (doubtful) Debora looked at her friend ....... when she said that she didn't like music. 


693: (quick) Thiago talks very .......


694: (quick) Juliana isn’t very ....... at anything.


695: (quiet) Lidia is a very ...... person.


696: (quiet) She was sitting alone .......


697: (anxious) Now and then, John looked at his watch .......


698: (anxious) John appeared to be very .......





Study the sentences 699-706.


Find the best responses to each one: a-h.


699: Enjoying the party?


700: A bit cold this evening, isn’t it?


701: What are you doing tomorrow evening?


702: Do you think you could lend me twenty euros?


703: Have you seen any good films on Netflix lately?


704: Would you like to drink some coffee afterwards?


705: You know, I think we’ve met somewhere before.


706: I’ve just been having a conversation with a man about his interesting job at Daico Engineering. 



a: Well, to be honest with you, I don't have any money with me tonight. 


b: Yes, your face looks familiar, too.


c: Not very much. What about you?


d: Nothing special. Why?


e: Hmm. That sounds like my husband.


f: Yes, winter is coming.


g: Sorry, but I can’t. Some other time perhaps.


h: No. I just haven’t had time because of my job.






707: What is a healthy breakfast in your opinion?


708: What is a healthy lunch?


709: What is a healthy snack?


710: What is a healthy exercise?


711: What is the solution to obesity in your country?


712: Is McDonald's the reason for obesity in people?





713: Describe the kinds of people most likely to feel lonely.


714: Why are middle-aged, married men with cars the least likely to feel lonely?   


715: How can unemployment lead to loneliness?


716: Describe a situation in which you have felt very lonely.


717: What did you do to feel happier?





Global weather changes.  


Will there be...?


718: More droughts?


719: More forest fires?


720: More floods?


721: More hurricanes?


722: Listening. Is it a skill? 





723: Elections 2022/23/24:   Will much change in your country?


724: Education. What is going to be new in Brazil?


725: What jobs will be taken over (substituted) by robots?


726: What will the next significant advance in medicine be?


727: Will we meet friends online for virtual shopping with our avatars? 




Will there be cures for the following illnesses or disabilities?


728: Alzheimer


729: Cancer


730: Obesity


731: High blood pressure


732: Fibromyalgia


733: Disability reversals


734: Genetic modifications


735: Will the rate of technology advancements and tools enhance medicine faster and faster?


736: Will there be another coronavirus like COVID-19?


737: Will cosmetic surgery be free at public hospitals?


738: Will stomach reductions be popular in the future?




739: Do you like museums? Why or why not?


740: Which museums have you been to?


741: Do you think that museums should be free for children? Free for everyone?




742: Have you ever been to a mine?


743: Would you be scared to descend 500 metres?


744: Do you remember the terrible accident in the mine in Chile?


745: Did you watch the rescue on TV?

Image by Johnson Wang

Photo 2: Peru.

Text Interpretation.


Hundreds ill after Peru toxic meteorite crash.


17th September 2007.


Hundreds of people in Peru have suffered headaches, nausea, and respiratory problems after an object from space – believed to be a meteorite – crashed in southern Peru.


      Eyewitnesses watched a fiery ball fall from the sky and smash into the remote Andean plain near the Bolivian border on Saturday, local media reported.


       When villagers went to investigate, they encountered noxious gases and dust. Jorge Lopez, director of the health department in the southern Peruvian state of Puno, 800 miles (1,200km) south of Lima, said at least 200 people had become ill after inhaling toxic fumes emanating from the crater.


     “This is caused by the gas they have inhaled after the crash.” Mr Lopez said.


      Three geologists from Peru's Geophysics Institute are on their way to the site.


      Similar cases of meteorites were reported in 2002 and 2004 in southern Peru.




746: What crashed in Peru?


747: In which state did it crash?


748: At least how many people are now sick?


749: Why are they sick?


750: Was the gas toxic?


751: What’s the capital of Peru?


752: What language do Peruvians speak?


753: Translate the following words:






Local media







754: Do you think the Peruvians are sick because of the meteorite’s gas or from the dust?


755: Would you like to visit this site in Peru?


756: Has a meteorite ever crashed in Brazil?


758: Do you believe a huge meteorite could destroy our planet one day?


759: Is it possible that these meteorites could bring diseases (doenças transmissiveis) or gases?


760: Do you believe that there is life on other planets in other solar systems? Why or why not?


761: Would life-forms be similar to our own? With two eyes, two ears, etc?


762: Could other planets have water, seas, rivers, trees, flowers, etc?

Image by Clay Banks

Photo 3

Talk about your country.


763: Who governs your country?  What were the results of the election?


764: Why do you think the above party won?


765: How often are the elections in Brazil?


766: Are there differences between the politics in the south and the politics in the north of Brazil? Such as?


767: Are the economies in the north and south different? In what ways? Is it a historical difference? Why?


768: Why is Brasilia the capital and not São Paulo or Rio?


769: Why has São Paulo become the heart of the nation’s economy?


770: Why is Rio considered to be the nation’s cultural city?


771: Is music different depending on the region of Brazil? Why? What are the reasons behind this?


772:  Which areas of Brazil suffer from drought? (seca) Is there politics behind this?


773: São Paulo is a city comprising many people from all over Brazil. Why did those people move to São Paulo?


774: Brazil has 3 different police forces; the Federal, Civil, and Military police. What are the differences between their roles (papeis)?


775: Brazil has a Congress. What is its function? And how do you vote for your representatives?


776: What is the current population in Brazil? Is the trend one of growth, or are families having fewer children these days?


777: Do indigenous Indians need their rights protecting? Or is it time for them to integrate?


778: Are they important to Brazil’s culture?


779: Is the deforestation of the Mata Atlântica and the Amazon a source of concern (preocupação)?


780: In general, are you optimistic or pessimistic about Brazil’s future? Give reasons for your answer.


781: Is Brazil going to have problems with another major epidemic? Or is the country prepared now?







786: Is quarantine working in Brazil?


787: What do/ did you do during quarantine?


788: Do you think there will be a vaccine in the near future?


789: What is the next step for the government to take?


790: Are you worried about the economy?


791: How do you think the world will change after coronavirus?





Past tense.


792: What did you do yesterday?


793: What did you eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner yesterday?


794: When was the last time you drank a beer or a glass of wine?


795: Which university did you go to?


796: Why did you choose that university to study at?


797: When was the last time you went to the cinema?


798: Which film did you watch?


799: When was the last time you went to a shopping centre?


800: Which one did you go to and what did you do there?


801: When was the last time you went to a sports event?


802: Why did you go to it?







803: What are your plans for next weekend?


804: Are you going to play any sports or do any exercise next week?


805: Are you going to travel abroad next year?


806: Are you going to cook dinner tonight?


807: Are you going to visit any relatives next week?


808: Are you thinking about changing your profession or job?


809: Are you thinking about losing weight or gaining weight this year?







For or to?


We use to before the infinitive form of the verb.




To go   


To cook    


To swim   


To have   


To be



We also use the preposition to for direction.




I’m going to Recife.


I gave the pen to Barbara.


Please take this book to the boss.


He is coming to João Pessoa tomorrow.



We use the preposition for before a noun or a pronoun. 




This book is for you.


He did it for me.


I bought this for 20R$.


We also use for before a verb in the gerund form. 




This book is good for studying English.


This lens is for taking close-up photos.


This new restaurant is good for listening to blues music.




820:  I’m going......the pub.


840:  They all decided......shave their heads for the new university year.


860:  What would you like......breakfast?


880:  He bought it......R$10.


900:  I bought this


920: Take the coffee......your boss.


940:  It’s an incentive......them......reorganize


960:  He was picked to run......the presidency.


980:  She has plans......invest in another firm.


1,000:  She will be


1,002:  He gave it......her yesterday.


1,003:  Everybody has......follow the rules.


1,004:  He invested the money......his children’s future.


1,005:  I’ve got three lenses......taking this kind of shot.


1,006: Could you get me Caras on the weekend?


1,007:  What is tonight?


1,008:  What is there......dinner tonight?


1,009:  He agreed......terminate the contract.


1,010:  Pinga is the best......getting drunk on the cheap.


1,011:  I’d like





Shave = raspar                     

Picked = escolhido              

Shot = photo                        

On the cheap = sem gastar muito





Simple Past Tense.


Choose the correct grammar.


a: I go / went to the amusement park yesterday.


b: She ate / eat rice, potatoes and chicken yesterday.


c: I drink / drank orange juice on Friday.


d: The thief mug / mugged the driver of the delivery van last night.


e: The art expert  look / looked at my paintings last week.


f: She saw / see lots of panthers on the safari last year.


g: He stay / stayed in the guest house for 21 days.


h: She took / take 150 photos of the panthers.


i: I am / was extremely tired yesterday.


j: We were / was at the company last night.


k: The nurse take care / took care of the cancer patient yesterday morning.


l: I publish / published my work in the magazine last month.


m: I reported / report the results to the boss yesterday.​


n: She travel / travelled to Denmark last year.


o: I wrote / write the test questions yesterday.


p: I inputted / input all the data last weekend.


q: I program / programmed the system before I go / went home last night.


r: I took / take care of all the problems here yesterday night.


s: I copy / copied everything that you asked me to.


t: She turned off / turn off the lights before she go / went to bed last night.


u: She is / was very irritated last night.


v: He was / is very competent in his last job.


w: They are / were / was very busy at work yesterday.


x: They really needed / need the final documents yesterday.


y: She request / requested the data yesterday.


z: They assess / assessed the health of the patient last week.






don't / doesn't


a: She don't / doesn't like chocolate.


b: Lidia don't / doesn't have a motorbike. 


c: Juliana don't / doesn't have an easy job.


d: I doesn't / don't drink tea.


e: Paul and John doesn't / don't live in Manchester.


f:  Marcos don't / doesn't work in Porto.


g: Marcio and Eduardo don't / doesn't enjoy the weekend doing nothing.


h: Mirella and Luana doesn't / don't work together.


i:  Daniel and Luana doesn't / don't live in Canada yet.


j:  Felipe doesn't / don't like working at the insurance company. 






Simple Past Tense


Choose the correct grammar.


a: I gone / went from Portugal to Italy by car last year. 


b: She ate / eaten a bacon sandwich for breakfast.


c: I decided / decide to work for another company.


d: The minister for the economy transfer / transferred millions to his personal bank account.


e: I look / looked for a new watch to buy in the shopping centre.


f: She saw / seen lots of lions on the safari last year.


g: He stay / stayed at the company until his boss got fire / fired.


h: She took / take 120 photos of the antelopes.


i: I am / was fed up with everything in my last department.


j: We were / was in the nightclub last night.


k: The doctor taken care / took care of all her patients before she went / go home. 


l: The director take / took her work home with her. 


m: We reported / report the results to the HR department yesterday.​


n: She travel / travelled to Ireland last year.


o: The author wrote / write the next chapter in less than a day.


p: I input / input all the information last weekend.


q: I program / programmed the system before I go / went home last night.


r: It took / taken me one hour to drive to the centre in the traffic. 


s: I copy / copied everything that you send / sent me.


t: She turned off / turn off the Laptop before she go / went to bed last night.


u: She is / was very irritating last night.


v: He was / is very irresponsible in his last job.


w: They are / were / was very busy in the laboratory yesterday.


x: They needed / need the money immediately. 


y: She sent / sended the documents yesterday.


z: They evaluate / evaluated the situation before taking any action. 


Image by Aarón Blanco Tejedor

Photo 4

In “One Nation Under Stress,” Sanjay Gupta of CNN Explores Our Epidemic of Chronic Stress and


How We Can Get Back on Track


With 80% of Americans experiencing stress on a daily basis, we’re at a crisis point. Our stress is chronic, and it’s killing us.


Dr Gupta was shocked by a 2017 report from the Centers for Disease Control, which indicated that Americans’ life expectancy was the lowest in a decade, thanks to “deaths of despair”: deaths caused by cirrhosis of the liver (as a result of alcohol consumption), opioid overdoses, and suicide.


It’s the chronic stress that’s most toxic.



There are solutions:


Behavioural skills training — like mindfulness, short-term meditation, and exercise — can help damaged parts of our brain regrow. 


As Dr Gupta points out, empathy is the opposite of stress, and given that we’re fundamentally social beings, when we don’t put the effort into having social relationships, it can lead to loneliness, and in turn, more stress.


Text interpretation and questions.


1,012: How many Americans are stressed in life?


1,013: When was the report published?


1,014: What are the 3 solutions to stress? 


1,015: Is empathy and social contact important to eliminate or reduce stress? 




1,016: Do you feel stressed in life?


1,017: Is there a solution for your stress?


1,018: Is your stress due to social media, technology, work, studies, loneliness?


​1,019: What do you do to try to control or limit your stress?


 Cleopatra (69-30 BC)


Cleopatra was the last Pharaoh of Ptolemaic Egypt, known for her superior intelligence and improving its country’s standing and economy. She is also famous in popular culture for her love affairs with Roman leaders Julius Caesar and Marc Anthony.


Text interpretation and questions.


1,020: When was Cleopatra born?


1,021: She was the Pharaoh of which country?


1,022: Was she considered an intelligent woman?


1,023: Which Roman leaders did she seduce? 


Jeanne d'Arc.


Joan of Arc (1412-1431) was a French heroine and a saint to Roman Catholics. She claimed to have mystical visions and rallied French troops to defeat the English in the Battle of Orleans among others.


She was eventually betrayed to the English and burned at the stake. Her unflinching faith and role in liberating the French from the English invasion has accorded Joan of Arc mythic status.


Text interpretation and questions.


1,024: When was Joan of Arc born?


1,025: When did she die? 


1,026: Did she organise French troops to defeat the British or the Americans? 


1,027: How did she die? 

Catherine The Great.jpg

Catherine the Great (1729-1796), also known as Catherine II, was undoubtedly one of history’s most famous women.


Born in Poland, as a German princess, she attained rule of Russia through marriage and held on to it for 34 years (especially after she plotted to overthrow her husband and assumed complete power).


She is responsible for continuing Peter the Great’s work in modernizing Russia.


She also defeated the Ottoman Empire in two big wars and greatly expanded Russia’s Empire over three continents (including the colonization of Alaska).


Text interpretation and questions.


1,028: Where was Catherine The Great born?


1,029: When was she born?


1,030: When did she die?


1,031: Was she a German or Russian princess?


1,032: Did she modernize Russia?


1,033: For how long did she rule Russia?


1,034: Was she married in Russia? 

Congratulations! You have successfully concluded Pre-Intermediate 6 of your English course.



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