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Pre-Intermediate 5


92 questions and discussion topics.


Grammar: There is, there are, have.


Which is correct, and which is incorrect? 


​a: There is a bakery on my street.

b: Have a bakery on my street.


c: Have a very good shopping centre on Avenida Paulista, São Paulo.

d: There are a very good shopping centre on Avenida Paulista, São Paulo.

e: There is a very good shopping centre on Avenida Paulista, São Paulo. 


f: There are two cartons of milk in my fridge.

g: Have two cartons of milk in my fridge.


h: There is a lot of traffic in my street every day.

i:  Have a lot of traffic in my street every day.


j: There are many cars on my street every day.

k: There is many cars on my street every day.

l: Have many cars on my street every day. 


m: In my company, there are many employees with expensive smartphones.

n:  In my company, have many employees with expensive smartphones.


o: There are many discounts available in shops during a recession.

p: There is many discounts available in shops during a recession.

q: Have many discounts available in shops during a recession.


r: There isn't a Human Resources department in my company.

s: No have a Human Resources department in my company.

t: There aren't a Human Resources department in my company.


u: Don't have a shopping centre or a sports centre in my neighbourhood.

v: There isn't a shopping centre or a sports centre in my neighbourhood.


w: There aren't air conditioning in my house.

x: There isn't air conditioning in my house.


y: Don't have a competent leader in my department.

z: There isn't a competent leader in my department.





don't / doesn't


a: She don't / doesn't like shopping during the week.


b: Karen don't / doesn't have a Ferrari. 


c: Tracy and Sharon don't / doesn't have diplomas.


d: I doesn't / don't go out during the week.


e: Paul and John doesn't / don't live in Manchester.


f:  Marcos don't / doesn't work in London.


g: Gilberto and Juan don't / doesn't like the beaches in São Paulo.


h: Mirella and Luana doesn't / don't work together in the same department.


i:  Daniel and Luana doesn't / don't want to live in the U.S.A.


j:  Felipe doesn't / don't like working out at the gym. 





639:    What is good health for you?


640:    What is a healthy breakfast?


641:    What is healthy exercise?


a: Football?


b: Squash?


c: Boxing?


d: Walking?


e: Swimming?


​​642:    Is it important to keep the mind healthy, too? How?



Space and the universes.


643:    Is there an end to Space? Or is it never-ending?


644:    Will people be able to travel to the Moon or Mars in the future for a holiday?


645:    Would you like to go to another planet? Or would one year to get to Mars be too long for your patience?


646:    Will our planet become so overpopulated or polluted that it will be necessary to live on other planets?




647:    How do you imagine cities will look in the future in terms of the following?


a: Transport?


b: Housing?


c: Shops?


d: Sports stadiums?





Comparative exercises:


Which is correct?


a: The sky is more clear.

b: The sky is clearer.


c: My friend is more tall than me. 

d: My friend is taller than me.


e: Belo Horizonte is further from São Paulo than Campinas is. 

f: Belo Horizonte is more far from São Paulo than Campinas is. 


g: The bank is nearer to my house than the post office.

h: The bank is more near to my house than the post office.


i: São Paulo is more big than Rio de Janeiro.

j: São Paulo is bigger than Rio de Janeiro.


k: Lasagna is more good for lunch than a Snickers bar.

l: Lasagna is better for lunch than a Snickers bar.


Make the comparative:


small / smaller









Long adjectives, three syllables or more:


Expensive / more expensive







e.g. the correct is "more expensive, more incredible, more beautiful, more wonderful, more independent, more respectful." 





Simple Past Tense


Choose the correct grammar.


a: I been / went to the park yesterday.


b: She ate / eaten a lot of chocolate yesterday.


c: I drunk / drank mango juice on Friday.


d: He had / have a good time at the party. 


e: I look for / looked for a new t-shirt at the shopping mall last week.


f: She saw / seen lots of hippopotamus on the safari last year.


g: He stay / stayed in the luxury hotel for 5 days.


h: She took / taken 2,000 photos of the wild animals.


i: I were / was tired yesterday.


j: We were / was in the bar last night.


k: The nurse taken care / took care of the pregnant lady yesterday afternoon.


l: I publish / published my work online 5 years ago.


m: I reported / report the results to the directors' board yesterday.​


n: She travel / travelled to Scotland last year.


o: I wrote / written a short story yesterday.


p: I input / input all the information last weekend.


q: I program / programmed the system before I go / went home last night.


r: I took / taken care of all the problems here last month.


s: I copy / copied everything that you requested.


t: She turned off / turn off the TV before she go / went to bed last night.


u: She is / was very angry with her husband last night.


v: He was / went very lazy in his last job.


w: They was / were / very busy at café yesterday.


x: They really needed / need the invoices yesterday.


y: She ask /asked for the documents yesterday.


z: They evaluate / evaluated the employees last week.


Image by Jean-Luc Benazet

Text Intepretation.


About the University of Cambridge.


Location: The U.K.


Established in: 1209


Established in 1209 by a group of scholars leaving the University of Oxford due to political conflicts, the University of Cambridge is now ranked seventh in the world.


Sharing many common traditions, Oxford and Cambridge maintain a healthy sense of rivalry, which comes to a head in the famous annual Boat Race event.


Cambridge has around 23,247 students, of which 5,340 come from outside the E.U.


Interpretation questions.


648: Where is the University of Cambridge located?


649: When was it established?


650: How many students study at the University of Cambridge? 


651: How many students are not from the European Union? 




Image by Ben Seymour

Text interpretation.


About the University of Oxford.


Location: The United Kingdom


Established in: 1096-1167


With an alumni list that includes 28 UK Prime Ministers, 20 Archbishops of Canterbury, 12 saints, 27 Nobel laureates, 50 Nobel Prize winners and also Sir Stephen Hawking, the University of Oxford is as respected as it is old.


Currently fifth in the world rankings, the University of Oxford is truly one of the highest-ranked and oldest universities in the world, catering to a student community of nearly 24,300 and operating the largest university press in the world.


Interpretation and questions.


652: Where is Oxford located?


653: How many UK prime ministers graduated from Oxford?


654: Did Stephen Hawking study there?


655: Approximately how many people study at the University of Oxford?


656: When was the university established? 

Image by Maria Bobrova

Text Interpretation.


University of Bologna


Location: Italy


Established in: 1088


The ‘Nourishing Mother of the Studies’ according to its Latin motto, the University of Bologna was founded in 1088 and, having never been out of operation, holds the title of the oldest university in the world. Until relatively modern times, the university only taught doctorate studies, but today it has a diverse range of programs at all levels.


Located in Bologna, Italy, it has an enrolment of around 87,760 students, of which 6,400 are international students. Famous alumni include three popes, numerous businessmen and several Italian politicians. The University of Bologna is ranked 160th in the QS World


Interpretation and questions.


657: Where is the University of Bologna located?


658: When was it established? 


659: What is the university's world ranking?


660: Approximately how many students are enrolled at the University of Bologna? 


661: How many Popes have studied at the university? 


662: Approximately how many international students are there at the university? 


Text Interpretation.


Al-Azhar University


Location: Egypt


Established in: 970 AD


Despite not gaining university status until 1961, Al-Azhar University deserves a mention in this list as it was originally established as early as 970 AD in Cairo, Egypt. Originally a ‘madrasa’, teaching students from primary to tertiary level, Al-Azhar University was first known as a center of Islamic learning but has since developed a modern curriculum of secular subjects, ensuring its survival.


Through its time, the school has seen much political instability, most notably in the 12th century when a new dynasty took power and destroyed over 100,000 texts. Today, Al-Azhar University is ranked 51-60 in the QS Arab Region University Rankings 2021. In addition to traditional studies, the school also offers programs in business, economics, science, medicine, engineering and agriculture.


Interesting facts:


Did you know…?


The oldest university in the world is Africa’s University of al-Qarawinyyin, founded in 859 and located in Fez, Morocco.


The oldest university in Asia was founded in 1611 (the University of Santo Tomas, the Philippines).


The oldest university in the US was established in 1636 (Harvard University, Massachusetts)


Interpretation and questions.


663: In which country is Al-Azhar University located?


664: What is the name of Egypt's capital city?


665: When was Al-Azhar University established? 


666: Is the University of Santo Tomas the oldest university in Asia?  


667: How many texts were destroyed at the university in the 12th century?


668: Where was the first-ever university in the world? 


669: What's the name of the first university in the U.S.A?   

Congratulations! You have successfully concluded Pre-Intermediate 5 of your English course.



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