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Portmeirion, North wales.jpg

Portmeirion, North Wales. A short trip from Manchester.



114 Questions & Statements to Answer



Past Tense,

Present Perfect Continuous 

Future Conditional.                                                             
















A little jealous   


Very jealous


A good cook    




A good mother  


A good father 
















Talk about the perfect wife, husband, girlfriend, or boyfriend.



You should begin sentences thus;


He should be                 

ele deveria ser......


She should be                

ela deveria ser......



True or False?


471:    Most people prefer to go to the countryside rather than the coast.


472:    Children like playing football more than playing volleyball.


473:    Girls prefer to go shopping than dine out.


474:    Kids prefer to watch TV than go to the cinema.


475:    Kids prefer fruit to ice cream.


476:    Most adults get up late on Sundays.


477:    We all love music.


478:    The English are lazy compared to the Germans.


479:    Germany is Europe’s largest country.


480:   Manchester is Britain’s second-biggest city.


481:   New York is the capital of the U.S.A.


482:   London was the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution.


483:   Asia is the most important continent nowadays.


484:   The traffic in my city is heavy all day.


485:   London is the capital of England.


486:   California, Texas, and Colorado are all counties.


487:   João Pessoa is the northeast’s most popular tourist resort.


488:   London is situated in the south of Europe.


489:   Liverpool is Europe’s largest port.


490:   Every country in Europe uses the euro as its currency.


491:   Real Madrid contracted Messi before Barcelona did.


492:    Manchester was a Roman city.


493:    The main Toyota assembly plant is situated in Recife.


494:    São Paulo is not far from Rio.


495:    Caruaru is a culturally rich city.


496:    The Carnival in Rio de Janeiro is the world’s biggest.


497:    The Queen’s birthday is celebrated all around the world.


498:    Paris is an industrial city.


499:    Palmeiras and Corinthians are rivals.


500:    English is good for communicating in different countries.


501:    There are no Japanese restaurants in the northeast of Brazil.






don't / doesn't


a: She don't / doesn't like working remotely.


b: Lidia don't / doesn't have the new Apple i-phone. 


c: Juliana and Derek don't / doesn't have a house yet.


d: Lula doesn't / don't drink cachaça.


e: Paul and John doesn't / don't live in Oxford.


f:  Marcos don't / doesn't study at the University of Cambridge.


g: Marcio and Eduardo don't / doesn't enjoy the weekend doing nothing.


h: Mirella and Luana doesn't / don't work together.


i:  Daniel and Luana doesn't / don't live in Canada yet.


j:  Felipe doesn't / don't like drinking beer. 






Present Perfect Continuous.


I have been = an action or situation from the past until the present, with no interruptions.



502:    I have ............... hard this month. (work)


503:    I have ............... a lot recently. (study)


504:    I have ............... in …….. for ……. years. (live)


505:    I’ve ............... too much lately. (eat)


506:    And I’ve ............... too much beer as well. (drink)



Subordinating conjunctions.


When While After Before During Until


507:    I had a coffee ........ the party.


508:    Worse luck, she arrived ........ the party had finished.


509:    She met her boyfriend ........ she was working in Rio.


510:    My parents got married ........ the world cup.


511:    She’ll be too busy to leave ........ the party ends.


512:    I was very unhappy ........ lunch.


513:    I lived in São Paulo ........ I studied at U.S.P


514:    ........ you get there, call me.


515:    ........ is your birthday?


516:    Could you be quiet ........ I’m studying, please?


517:    ........ turning on the computer, check the electricity.


518:    I’ll meet you ........ my meeting with the directors.



Transport: In or on? (revision)



We use ‘in’ when we need to lower our heads to get in / embark.


We use ‘on’ when we don't need to lower our heads to get on / embark.


In the car.

In the taxi



On the bus.

On the train.

On the bike.





519:    He was sitting......the bus.


520:    She was getting......the aeroplane.


521:    Please, sit......the taxi.


522:    She was getting......the motorbike when her telephone rang.                


523:    She is......the train.


524:    I was reading my book......the car and I started feeling sick.


525:    He is......the bike.


526:    She left her bag......the aeroplane.


527:    He left his passport......the ship.


528:    The tourists are......the yacht. (pronunciation = yot)  


529:    There are many people......the bus today.






530:    I need ________ go now.


531:    I have _________ go now.


532:    I have decided __________ study at UFPB.


533:    He is __________ the car.


534:    She would like __________ dance tonight.


535:    She would like __________ go shopping on Saturday.


536:    He is _______ the bus.


537:    I was ___________ the train when I met Angela.


538:    I went __________ the cinema last night.


539:    I am going __________ the bank now.


540:    Please, buy me a magazine _______ read.


541:    I spoke ________ my sister yesterday.


542:    Let’s go ______ the cinema?


543:    Have you been ______ Manchester?


544:    Have you eaten _______ this restaurant?


545:    What time do you normally go ______ work?


546:    He has worked _________ the school for 5 years.


547:    She has lived ______ Canada for 2 years.


548:    The metro line is connected ________ the bus lines.








549:    Is YouTube, Spotify, or Apple the best platform for music?


550:    Do you prefer to watch Netflix movies or go to the cinema?


551:    Do you have a DVD player? Why or why not?


552:    Do you listen to CDs? Why or why not?


553:    Are rock, reggae, and blues concerts too expensive these days?


554:    What sound system do you have in your home or car, and how much did you pay for it?


555:    Where do you usually listen to music? In your car, on your smartphone or at home?


556:    When was the last time you went to the cinema? And when was the last time you watched a series or film on Netflix?


557:    Do you have kids? If so, how much time do they spend on their smartphones watching Netflix or YouTube?


558:    Do you control how much time your kids spend watching TV or on their laptops or smartphones?


559:    Do you think that Netflix is a good tool to improve your English?


560:    Do you listen to films in English and read the subtitles in English, too, or do you prefer the subtitles in your first language?






561:    Which is the most important time of the year for you? Easter, Christmas, wedding anniversary or family birthdays?


562:    Which is your favourite time of the year?​ Why or why not?


563:    Do you prefer to sleep at night when it is hot, warm, or cold? Why?


564:    Do you like to pass the time reading books or magazines?


565:    What was the most difficult time or moment in your life?


566:    Have you ever had a job that was very difficult, or where your boss was mean, rude or harassed you?


567:    Have you ever lived in a place that you felt was wrong for you? If so, what did you do to solve the problem?


568:    Have you ever been sick for a long period of time?


a: Did the time pass slowly?


b: What did you do during this period of illness?



569:    Have you ever broken a bone? For example, your arm or your leg?


570:  If so, how long did it take you to recuperate? Was it a boring period in your life?



Revision of past tense.


571:    What did you do last Friday?


572:    What did you do last Saturday?


573:    When was the last time you took a holiday? Where did you go?


574:    Why did you leave your last job?


575:    What was the last expensive item you bought?


576:    What did you do to celebrate your birthday last time?


577:    When was the last time you drank beer or wine? Where were you?


578:    What is a nutritious diet for you?


579:    Is English an important language for your career or studies?


580:    Do you think that you will need to use English a lot in the future?


581:    Do you think of English as a cost or as an investment?


582:    Do you think that full immersion (intercâmbio) could be a good way for you to perfect your English fluency? Or is it too difficult to find the time to study in Europe?


583:    Do you have kids? If so, do they study English at a school?


584:    Do you feel confident to attend a job interview in English?






Simple Past Tense.


Choose the correct grammar.


a: I go / went to the gym yesterday.


b: She ate / eat ham and cheese for lunch yesterday.


c: I drink / drank gin and tonic on Friday.


d: He mugged / mug the lady last night.


e: I look / looked for my wallet yesterday.


f: She saw / see lots of buffalos on the safari last year.


g: He stay / stayed in the meeting room for 5 hours.


h: She took / take 200 photos of the antelopes.


i: I am / was very fed up yesterday.


j: We were / was fed up last night.


k: The nurse take care / took care of the cancer patient yesterday.


l: I publish / published my work on Kindle 2 years ago.


m: I reported / report the results to the boss yesterday.​


n: She travel / travelled to Thailand last year.


o: I wrote / write to the client yesterday.


p: I input / input all the information last weekend.


q: I program / programmed the system before I go / went home last night.


r: I took / take care of all the problems here last month.


s: I copy / copied everything that you asked me to.


t: She turned off / turn off the TV before she go / went to bed last night.


u: She is / was very irritating last night.


v: He was / is very irresponsible in his last job.


w: They are / were / was exhausted at work yesterday.


x: They really needed / need the cash yesterday.


y: She request / requested the catalogue yesterday.


z: They evaluate / evaluated the value of our company last quarter.


Text interpretation.


Story about Lucia.


Lucia Tanaka is a Brazilian woman of 29 years of age. She likes going to the cinema and restaurants at night with her boyfriend.


Lucia works at a small company in the centre of Recife. She is an administrative assistant. She has worked at the company for 7 years.


Lucia lives in Derby, an affluent suburb of Recife. She likes living there. She is happy.


On the weekends she usually goes to a shopping centre with her girl friends. She likes shopping and especially buying clothes. 


Lucia and her boyfriend normally meet up on Saturday night. 


Questions and interpretation.


585: How old is Lucia Tanaka?


586: Is she married or does she have a boyfriend?


587: Where does she live?


588: What does she do for a living?


589: How long has she worked at the company?


590: On what day does she usually meet her boyfriend? 

queen victoria.jpg

Queen Victoria (1819-1901) was the Queen of the United Kingdom, ruling over a vast British Empire that stretched across six continents for 63 years.


Her rule was so definitive that the period has come to be known as the “Victorian Era”.


Under her rule, slavery was supposedly abolished throughout all British colonies.


Text interpretation and questions.


591: When was Queen Victoria born?


592: When did she die?


593: Was Queen Victoria French or British?


594: Did she abolish slavery in the British colonies? 

emppress wu zetian.jpg

Empress Wu Zetian (624-705) was the only female Emperor in Chinese history, living during the Tang Dynasty.


Her rule is known for expanding the Chinese empire, economic prosperity, and education reform.


She was also known as a patron of Buddhism.


She did have her detractors who accused her of ruthlessness and cruelty, perhaps going as far as killing her daughter and son as part of a political intrigue.


Text interpretation and questions.


595: When was Empress Wu Zetian born?


596: When did she die?


597: Which country did she rule?


598: Was she accused of murdering her son?


599: Was she accused of murdering her daughter?


600: Did she carry out educational reforms? 

Congratulations! You have successfully concluded  Pre-Intermediate 4 of your English course.

English 4 Professionals Mediterannean 8
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