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Photo 1: Chester, in the north of England, founded by the Romans in 79 a.d.



172 questions, statements, and grammatical challenges.



Grammar: There is, there are, have.


Which is correct, and which is incorrect? 


a: There is a bakery on my street.

b: Have a bakery on my street.


c: Have a very good shopping centre on Avenida Paulista, São Paulo.

d: There are a very good shopping centre on Avenida Paulista, São Paulo.

e: There is a very good shopping centre on Avenida Paulista, São Paulo. 


f: There are two cartons of milk in my fridge.

g: Have two cartons of milk in my fridge.


h: There is a lot of traffic in my street every day.

i:  Have a lot of traffic in my street every day.


j: There are many cars on my street every day.

k: There is many cars on my street every day.

l: Have many cars on my street every day. 


m: In my company, there are many employees with expensive smartphones.

n:  In my company, have many employees with expensive smartphones.


o: There are many discounts available in shops during a recession.

p: There is many discounts available in shops during a recession.

q: Have many discounts available in shops during a recession.


r: There isn't a Human Resources department in my company.

s: No have a Human Resources department in my company.

t: There aren't a Human Resources department in my company.


u: Don't have a shopping centre or a sports centre in my neighbourhood.

v: There isn't a shopping centre or a sports centre in my neighbourhood.


w: There aren't air conditioning in my house.

x: There isn't air conditioning in my house.


y: Don't have a competent leader in my department.

z: There isn't a competent leader in my department.


A  B  C        


Complete the sentences below.


128: Yesterday at 6 in the evening, I was..........TV.


129: Last year, I Rio.


130: At 10 yesterday morning, my desk.


131: At 9 am yesterday, she..........on the phone.


132: At 8 last Saturday evening, the radio.


133: I..........a copy when the machine broke down. (parou de funcionar)


134: He.........the book when his friend called.


135: Last year, Gary and when their wives arrived.







136: Where was your best holiday?


137: Why?


138: Where was your worst holiday?


139: Why?


140: What’s the best hotel you’ve ever been to? Why?


141: What’s the worst hotel you’ve ever been to? Why?


142: And the best restaurant?


143: The worst restaurant?


144: Where would you like to go for your next holiday?


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  




Do you mind? Yes, I mind. / No, I don’t mind.


145: Do you mind doing housework?


146: Do you mind washing up?


147: Do you mind doing the ironing?


148: Do you mind washing clothes?


149: Do you mind cooking?


150: Do you mind looking after the children?


151: Do you mind getting up early?


152: Do you mind working on a Saturday?


153: Do you mind going to the supermarket?


154: Do you mind staying at home on a Saturday night?


155: Do you mind being on your own?


156: Do you mind working on your own?



Would you mind? Yes, I would.  / No, I wouldn’t.


157: If you had the opportunity of a new, great job, would you mind wearing a uniform?


158: If you were transferred, would you mind working abroad?


159: If you were paid a high salary, would you mind working in McDonald's?


160: If you lived in London or New York, would you mind working late at night?


161: If I were in your house, would you mind if I smoked?


Homework to memorise.


Housework = trabalho doméstico                  

To wash up = lavar louça

To do the ironing / To iron = passar ferro     

To wash = lavar

To look after = tomar conta / cuidar              

To stay = ficar / permenecer

On your own = sozinho

On my own = sozinho

Being = estar / estando

Heat = calor

Wear = vestir

Abroad = no exterior


Put the verbs below into the past tense.


To take care

To help

To like                                                 

To follow

To travel                                           

To work

To do                                                 

To wear

To wash                                                 

To iron

To stay                                                  

To watch

To eat                                                 

To drink




a: I had / have a good day at work yesterday.


b: I cook / cooked spaghetti yesterday.


c: I drink / drank coca cola on Friday.


d: He bought / buy new clothes yesterday.


e: I took / take a lot of photos last week.


f: She saw / see lots of zebras on the safari last year.


g: He stay / stayed in the restaurant until it closed / close.


h: She took / take 200 photos of the zebras.


i: I am / was sick yesterday.


j: We were / was in the shopping centre last night.


k: The nurse take care / took care of the baby yesterday morning.


l: I worked / work at the hospital for many years.


m: I watch / watched TV all night yesterday.


n: She travel / travelled to the north of Brazil last year.


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  





Which do you prefer?


162: To go out in a big group or a small group?


163: Cooking or washing the dishes?


164: Washing clothes or ironing?


165: Going to the cinema or watching Netflix?


166: Going to the beach or a bar?


167: Swimming in a pool or in the sea?


168: Going out on a Saturday night or watching a film with your family?


169: Romantic films or comedies?


170: Reading detective stories or autobiographies?


171: Travelling by aeroplane or by coach?


172: Cooking for yourself or for others?


173: Talking in English or reading in English?


174: Rock music or forró?


175: Chinese food or Italian food?


176: Restaurants or pubs?


177: Beer or lager?


178: Fish or chicken?


179: A quiet beach or a busy beach with lots of people?


180: Basketball or football?


181: The World Cup or the Olympic Games?


182: Flowers or plants?


183: The beach or the countryside?


184: The winter or the summer?


185: Brazil or the U.S.A?


186: A modern pub or an old pub?


187: Modern furniture or antique furniture?


188: Summer leaves or autumn leaves?


189: Travelling for a month, or a weekend break?


190: Houses or flats?


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  


Vocabulary. Past Tense.


Go = went 


Eat = ate


Drink = drank


Rob = robbed


Look = looked


See = saw


Stay = stayed 


Take = took


Was = estava


Were = estavam/ estavamos


Take care = took care 


Work = worked


Help = helped


Watch = watched


Travel = travelled

Harewood House, Leeds

Photo 2: Harewood House, Leeds. West Yorkshire.

Story about Patricia Richards.



Patricia likes travelling, going to the beach and swimming. However, she doesn’t like sunbathing (tomar sol) because she reckons it’s boring.


She’s married and she has two kids. She doesn’t mind doing the housework or cooking, but she prefers it when her husband helps her in the house. She absolutely hates ironing.


Patricia doesn’t mind getting up early, even though (embora) she doesn’t really like her job.


On the weekends, she likes to go to the beach, to go out dancing, and to have a few (algumas) drinks with her husband. However, it is difficult for her to go out much because they have two kids, and the kids demand (exigem) a lot of attention.


She prefers swimming to cycling, and she prefers drinking beer to vodka.





191: Is Patricia married?


192: Are you married?


193: Does she like travelling?


194: Do you like travelling?


195: Does she like swimming?


196: Do you like swimming?


197: Does she prefer to swim or to cycle?


198: Do you prefer to swim or to cycle?


199: Does Patricia mind getting up early?                       


200: Do you mind getting up early?


201: Does she like her job?                                              


202: Do you like your job / college?


203: Does she like to drink beer with her husband?        


204: Do you like to drink beer?


205: Does she like dancing?                                           


206: Do you like dancing?


207: Do the kids demand a lot of attention?                    


208: Does your family demand a lot of attention?


209: How old is Patricia?


210: How old are you?


211: Does she mind doing the housework?                     


212: Do you mind doing the housework?


213: Does Patricia like ironing?


214: Do you like ironing?


215: Does Patricia have a dog?


216: Do you have a dog?


217: Does Patricia have blonde or brown hair?


218: What colour is your hair?


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N






What do you think of .........?  

What’s your opinion of ......?          

Do you reckon ......?



219: Do you reckon uniforms are important at work?


220: Would you wear a uniform at work?


221: What do you think of cooking and housework? Are they the woman’s responsibility?


222: Do you do housework? Or do you have a maid (empregada)?


223: Should (deveria) men help with the housework or the cooking?


224: What is a good wife in your opinion? Describe the qualities she should have.


225: What is a good husband in your opinion?  Describe the qualities he should have.


226: Do you reckon that sunbathing is boring?


227: Is the sun good or bad for the skin?




True or False?


228: Most people prefer going to the countryside rather than the coast.


229: Children like playing football more than playing volleyball.


230: Girls prefer to go shopping than dine out.


231: Kids prefer to watch TV than go to the cinema.


232: Kids prefer fruit to ice cream.


233: Most adults get up late on Sundays.


234: We all love the rain.


235: The English are lazy compared to the Germans.


236: Brazilians are lazy compared to Europeans.


237: Botafogo is Brazil’s most popular team.


238: Real Madrid are the only team to have won the European Cup more than 3 times.


239: California is the U.S.A’s largest state.


240: London was the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution.


241: Crime in Manchester is almost non-existent.


242: Brazil has more obesity than in the USA.


243: The traffic in your city is heavy all day.


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P 



Vocabulary. Past Tense.


Go = went 


Eat = ate


Drink = drank


Rob = robbed


Look = looked


See = saw


Stay = stayed 


Take = took


Was = estava


Were = estavam/ estavamos


Take care = took care 


Work = worked


Help = helped


Watch = watched


Travel = travelled







a: I go / went to the football stadium yesterday.


b: I ate / eat chicken and rice yesterday.


c: I drink / drank passion fruit on Friday.


d: He played / played table tennis on Saturday.


e: I read / read a magazine last week.


f: She saw / see lots of leopards on the safari last year.


g: He stay / stayed with her in the hospital after the accident.


h: She took / take 200 photos of the zebras.


i: I am / was extremely tired yesterday.


j: We were / was at the athletics stadium last night.


k: The nurse take care / took care of the old lady yesterday morning.


l: I studied / study accountancy at the college for a long time.


m: I watch / watched TV all night yesterday.


n: She travel / travelled to Holland last year.





Present Perfect Continuous.


I have been = an action or situation from the past until the present, with no interruptions.



244: I have _____________________ hard this month. (work)


245: I have _____________________ a lot recently. (study)


246: I have _____________________ in …….. for ..... years. (live)


247: I’ve _______________________ too much lately. (eat)


248: And I’ve ___________________ too much beer as well. (drink)

London 6 White Heart haunted pub.jpg

Photo 3: White Heart Pub. One of London's haunted pubs. 


Grammar: Subordinating conjunctions.          


When While After Before During Until


249: I had a coffee..........the party.


250: Worse luck, she arrived..........the party had finished.


251: She met her boyfriend..........she was working in Rio.


252: My parents got married..........the world cup.


253: She’ll be too busy to leave..........the party ends.


254: I was very unhappy..........the lunch.


255: I lived in São Paulo..........I studied at U.S.P


256: get there, call me.


257: your birthday?


258: Could you be quiet..........I’m studying, please?


259: ...........turning on the computer, check the electricity.


260: I’ll meet meeting with the directors.


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  




In or on?  (Transport)


We use ‘in’ when you lower your head to get in / embark.


We use ‘on’ when you don’t need to lower your head to get on / embark.


In the car.

In the taxi.


On the bus.

On the train.

On the bike.




261: He was sitting......the bus.


262: She was getting......the plane.


263: Please, sit......the taxi.


264: He got......the motorbike and went home.


265: She is......the train.


266: I was reading my book......the car and I started feeling sick.


267: He is......the bike.


268: She left her bag......the aeroplane.


269: He left his passport......the ship.


270: The tourists are......the yacht. (yot)  


271: There are many people......the ferry today.


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  




272: I need ________ go now.


273: I have _________ go now.


274: I have decided __________ study at UFPB.


275: He is __________ the car.


276: She would like __________ dance tonight.


277: She would like __________ go shopping on Saturday.


278: He is _______ the ferry-boat.


279: I was ___________ the train when I met Angela.


280: I went __________ the cinema last night.


281: I am going __________ the bank now.


282: Please, buy me a magazine _______ read.


283: I spoke ________ my sister yesterday.


284: Let’s go ______ the cinema?


285: Have you been ______ Manchester?


286: Have you eaten _______ this restaurant?


287: What time do you normally go ______ work?


288: He has worked _________ the school for 5 years.


289: She has lived ______ London for 2 years.


290: The metro line is connected ________ the bus lines.




291: What do you think is the current rate of unemployment in your country?


292: Is it difficult to live if you are unemployed?


293: What social benefits are there for the unemployed in your country?


294: What can be done to create jobs? More tourism? Better universities?


295: What can be done about crime?


296: Do you know anybody who is in a gang?


297: What do you imagine are the worst things about being unemployed? Poverty? Loneliness? Boredom? Depression?


298: Is corruption bad in your country?


299: Does your country need more hospitals?


300: What should the priority be in your opinion? Hospitals, schools, universities, roads, rivers, pollution, unemployment or inflation?


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z


Vocabulary. Past Tense.


Go = went 


Eat = ate


Drink = drank


Rob = robbed


Look = looked


See = saw


Stay = stayed 


Take = took


Was = estava


Were = estavam/ estavamos


Take care = took care


Work = worked


Help = helped


Watch = watched


Travel = travelled





Simple Past Tense


Choose the correct grammar.


a: I go / went to work yesterday.


b: She ate / eat spaghetti yesterday.


c: I drink / drank coca cola on Friday.


d: He robbed / rob the lady last night.


e: I look / looked at my photos last week.


f: She saw / see lots of elephants on the safari last year.


g: He stay / stayed in the hotel for 5 days.


h: She took / take 200 photos of the zebras.


i: I am / was tired yesterday.


j: We were / was in the bar last night.


k: The nurse take care / took care of the baby yesterday morning.


l: I publish / published my work at the hospital 5 years ago.


m: I watch / watched TV all night long yesterday.​


n: She travel / travelled to Kenya last year.


o: I wrote / write the text yesterday.


p: I input / input all the information last weekend.


q: I program / programmed the system before I go / went home last night.


r: I took / take care of all the problems here last month.


s: I copy / copied everything that you asked me to.


t: She turned off / turn off the TV before she go / went to bed last night.


u: She is / was very hungry last night.


v: He was / is very irresponsible in his last job.


w: They are / were / was very busy at work yesterday.


x: They really needed / need the documents yesterday.


y: She ask /asked for the documents yesterday.


z: They evaluate / evaluated the health of our company last week.


Congratulations! You have successfully concluded Pre-Intermediate 2 of your English course.

English 4 Professionals Mediterannean 8
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