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Photo 1: Guildford, Surrey. 30 minutes from London.



127 questions and conversation topics.

Grammar: future, future conditional, past, past continuous tenses.


Business English Text.


Lidiane is a teller (caixa) at Itaú Bank. She gets up at 7 o’clock every morning. She usually starts work at the bank at 9.  However, (no entanto) today there is a meeting. The meetings are usually held on Tuesdays at 8 a.m. with the bank manager, the accounts managers and all the tellers.




1: What time does Lidiane usually get up?


2: Is Lidiane an account manager or a teller?


3: What time does she usually start work?


4: When are the meetings?



About yourself.



5: What time do you usually get up?


6: Are you an account manager?


7: What do you do?


8: What time do you usually start work?


9: Do you have any meetings during the week?



A   B   C


A  E  I  O  U  


Complete these sentences.


10: Today there is a                        


11: Lidiane usually                             


12: The meetings are                      




13: Which is your bank?                


14: Is it efficient?            


15: Is it near your house?


16: Do you have a current account or a savings account?


17: Who is your account manager?


18: What is his / her name?


19: How long have you had an account at the bank?


20: Who opened the account? You, your employer or a relative?


21: Which company do you work for?


22: What do you do?


23: What are your responsibilities?


24: What time do you usually start and finish work?


25: Do you normally go to meetings?


26: Are the meetings productive?



A  B  C  D  E  


A  E  I  O  U  


Vocabulary. Past Tense.


Go = went 


Eat = ate


Drink = drank


Rob = robbed


Look = looked


See = saw


Stay = stayed 


Take = took


Was = estava


Were = estavam/ estavamos




a: I go / went to work yesterday.


b: I ate / eat spaghetti yesterday.


c: I drink / drank coca cola on Friday.


d: He robbed / rob the lady last night.


e: I look / looked at my photos last week.


f: She saw / see lots of elephants on the safari last year.


g: He stay / stayed in the hotel for 5 days.


h: She took / take 200 photos of the zebras.


i: I am / was tired yesterday.


j: We were / was in the bar last night.


k: The nurse take care / took care of the baby yesterday morning.


l: I worked / work at the hospital 5 years ago.


m: I watch / watched TV all night yesterday.


n: She travel / travelled to Kenya last year.





How long? = quanto tempo?


Which = qual


Productive = produtivo




I would like to = Eu gostaria de



27: What would you like to eat?


28: What would you like to drink?


29: What would you like to do?


30: What would you like to be?


31: Where would you like to live?


32: Where would you like to go on holiday?


33: Would you like a beer?


34: Would you like a coffee?


35: Would you like a sandwich?


36: Would you like some lunch?


37: Would you like some dinner?


38: Would you like to go out to dinner?


39: What would you like to do tomorrow?


40: What would you like to do on Saturday?


41: What would you like to do on Sunday?


42: What would you like to do after the lesson?


43: Would you prefer a coffee or a tea right now?


44: Would you prefer a pizza or a hotdog after the lesson?


45: Would you prefer a beer or a soda after the lesson?



A  B  C  D  E  F  G  


A  E  I  O  U  


Vocabulary. Past Tense.


Go = went 


Eat = ate


Drink = drank


Rob = robbed


Look = looked


See = saw


Stay = stayed 


Take = took


Was = estava


Were = estavam/ estavamos


Photo 2: London

Grammar: Future.



I will = eu vou


Maybe I will = talvez eu vá


Perhaps I will = talvez eu vá


I reckon I will = eu acho que eu vou


I think I will = eu acho que eu vou


I will if = eu vou se


I will probably = provavelmente eu vou


Normally we use ‘I will’ in this way. We are never really sure.


For example:


I reckon she’ll get a promotion.


I reckon he’ll lose his job.


I think I’ll cook spaghetti tonight.


I think I’ll go home early.


Maybe I’ll buy a new car.


Maybe I’ll watch TV tonight.


I’ll go to Natal if I have enough money this weekend.


I’ll go out tonight if my boyfriend / girlfriend lets me.


*** There is no difference in grammar for ‘ I, you, he, she, we, they.’


I will.  You will.  He will.  She will.  We will.   They will.



A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H 


A  E  I  O  U




Rita’s story.


Hi, my name is Rita.


Today, I’m working, but tomorrow I’ll go to the beach if the weather is nice. Maybe I’ll stay there for one or two days.


If I don’t go to the beach, then I’ll probably visit my grandfather.


My grandfather is a nice old guy and he loves cooking for me, so I’ll probably have a delicious dinner there.




46: What’s her name?


47: Is she studying today?


48: Where will she go tomorrow?


49: For how long will she stay at the beach?


50: Will she visit her grandfather?


51: Does he like cooking?


52: Does he enjoy cooking?


53: Will the dinner be delicious?



A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J


A  E  I  O  U




Now, write three sentences about Rita, and then write three sentences about what you will probably do over the next weekend.




Rita will probably visit her grandfather.


Maybe I’ll go to Campina on Saturday.


Conversation practice.


Now, give many examples of things that you possibly or probably will do tonight, tomorrow and on Saturday and Sunday.





Tony’s story.


How do you do?


My name is Tony. Today I’m relaxing on the beach, but tomorrow I reckon I’ll go back to São Paulo. When I get home, I’ll probably call my girlfriend, Teresa.


If I meet Teresa, we’ll head to a good restaurant and enjoy a good Italian meal. After the restaurant, I’ll probably take her somewhere special!






54: Is Tony working today?


55: What is he doing?


56: What will he probably do tomorrow?


57: Will he call his girlfriend in São Paulo?


58: Will he take Teresa to a Moroccan restaurant?


59: Where will he probably take her after the restaurant?


60: Does Tony like Italian food?



A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  


A  E  I  O  U




Write five things that you will probably do this year.


Write five things that you will probably do next year.


Write about 3 things that you will probably do tomorrow.


Write about 5 things that you will probably do on Saturday.


Write about three things that you will probably do on Sunday.






61: Tell the class about three things that you will probably do tomorrow.


62: Tell the class about three things that you will maybe do next week.



Ask somebody the following questions:


63: What will you do tonight?


64: What will you do tomorrow?


65: What will you do on Saturday?


66: What will you do on Sunday morning?      


67: What would you like to do tonight?


68: What will you do on Sunday afternoon?     


69: What would you like to do at the weekend?


70: What will you buy today?


71: What will you probably eat tonight?


72: Where will you go after the lesson?


73: Where will you go tomorrow?


74: Where will you go on Saturday?


75: Where will you go on Sunday?


76: Where will you travel to next year?



A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  


A  E  I  O  U


Vocabulary. Past Tense.


Go = went 


Eat = ate


Drink = drank


Rob = robbed


Look = looked


See = saw


Stay = stayed 


Take = took


Was = estava


Were = estavam/ estavamos





a: I go / went to work yesterday.


b: I ate / eat spaghetti yesterday.


c: I drink / drank coca cola on Friday.


d: He robbed / rob the lady last night.


e: I look / looked at my photos last week.


f: She saw / see lots of elephants on the safari last year.


g: He stay / stayed in the hotel for 5 days.


h: She took / take 200 photos of the zebras.


i: I am / was tired yesterday.


j: We were / was in the bar last night.


k: The nurse take care / took care of the baby yesterday morning.


l: I worked / work at the hospital 5 years ago.


m: I watch / watched TV all night yesterday.


n: She travel / travelled to Kenya last year.

London 9.jpg

Photo 3: London

Grammar. Simple Past.


Interview with Brian Forbes.


Q: Where and when was your first job and how old were you?


Brian: "My first job was at Cornhill Insurance Company in Guildford, England in 1977. I was 16 years of age. I was responsible for processing information on a small computer."


Q: How did you get the job?


Brian: "There were only women working in the department and the manager said that they needed to employ boys, too."


Q: Were you the only boy working in the department?


Brian: "No, I worked with Ross, Chris, and Frank. They were good friends as well as colleagues."


Q: Did you socialize after work?


Brian: "Yes, every night we went to pubs to drink beer, and on Wednesday nights we went to football games at Aldershot F.C, the local team, or we went to London to watch Arsenal or Chelsea." 


Q: Did you earn a good salary?


Brian: "No. we were only 16 years old and the salary was the minimum possible. But the work was interesting and the time passed very quickly."


Q: How long did you stay at Cornhill Insurance Company?


Brian: "I stayed for one year and Chris stayed for 2 years I think. Frank moved to a new company after 6 months; he was very intelligent and very good at his job. He liked to drink a lot of beer, too. I remember that. Ross worked at the company for two years, but I lost contact with him."


Q: Was it a good experience in general?


Brian: "Yes, definitely. We learned a lot. I learned to use a computer and I learned how to write business letters to clients. It was a very important first job."




1: Where was Brian's first job?


2: Where was your first job?


3: How many boys worked in the department?


4: How many boys worked in your department?


5: Did the boys socialize after work?


6: Did the boys go to football games?


7: Did you socialize after work in your first job?


8: Was Brian's salary very good?


9: Was your salary very good?


10: Was your first job very important to you?  





Grammar. Simple past.


Vocabulary. Past Tense.


Go = went 


Eat = ate


Drink = drank


Rob = robbed


Look = looked


See = saw


Stay = stayed 


Take = took


Was = estava


Were = estavam/ estavamos


Like = liked


Live = lived


Study = studied




e.g. I went to the beach yesterday = eu fui a praia ontem


e.g. I ate cake after lunch yesterday = eu comi bolo depois do almoço ontem


e.g. I went to work early yesterday = eu fui ao trabalho cedo ontem


e.g. I liked the film yesterday = eu gostei do filme ontem


e.g. I lived in Manchester in 2016 = eu morei em Manchester em 2016


e.g. I studied at MIT university in 2017 = eu estudei na faculdade MIT em 2017


e.g. I went to London last month = eu fui ao Londres no mês passado


“My best holiday & my worst holiday.”


Interview with Brian Burn. (British actor)


What was your best holiday, and why?


I think the best holiday I ever had was in Kenya, Africa.


We flew out (pegamos avião) to Kenya on British Airways. The flight (voo) was very comfortable and we arrived in very good weather.


From the airport, we took a taxi to our hotel. It was a beautiful, luxurious hotel with 2 large swimming pools and an excellent restaurant.


On the second day in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, we took a safari trip (viagem) to see the lions, elephants and zebras. It was so beautiful. There were animals everywhere.


The lions were dangerous, and so we stayed in the jeep to take photos. The elephants were magnificent. They were graceful and spent (gastaram) all their time eating! But the most beautiful were the zebras. With their black and white stripes (listras), they stood out (se destacaram) from the green grass (grama) and the green trees (arvores).


I took many photos of all the animals that we saw, but the best photos I have are of the zebras. 200 photos!




77: Have you been to Kenya?


78: Would you like to go on a safari?


79: Do you like animals?


80: What's your favourite animal?



What was your worst holiday, and why?


That would be (seria) when I went with my girlfriend to Paraguay.


The flight we took was terrible. The food was dreadful (péssimo) and the service was dreadful, too.


We landed (pousamos) in Asuncion almost 3 hours late (atrasado) because of problems in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Then, we took a taxi to our hotel.


The hotel was dirty (sujo) and the service was awful, (terrible) too. The people who worked in the hotel were not happy to see us. They didn’t want to work.


Well, anyway, the breakfast was adequate, but the lunch and dinner were awful.


We went to the centre of Asuncion, and it really is quite (bastante) pretty.


We did some shopping (fizemos compras) and everything was going well (indo bem). Suddenly (de repente), a motorbike passed us and the rider (motoqueiro) snatched (arrancou) my girlfriend's handbag. It was very frightening (assustador) and we will never go back there again.


The city of Asuncion is very pretty, but the country of Paraguay is very poor, and the services are inadequate and often rude.


Photo 4: Kenya 

Translate the following:


The best               

The worst                      





To land                 
















Stood out             


Would be             








81: Was Brian's worst holiday in Kenya?


82: Where was Brian's worst holiday?


83: Did Brian go on safari alone?


84: Did Brian go to Paraguay with his wife?


85: Has Brian been to Argentina?


86: Did Brian go to the beach in Kenya?


87: Which hotel was the best, the one in Kenya or the one in Paraguay?


88: Was Brian's girlfriend robbed in Paraguay?


89: What did the motorbike rider do in Asuncion?


90: Would Brian recommend Paraguay for a holiday?



A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  


A  E  I  O  U

Mombasa Beach, Kenya.jpg

Photo 5: Mombasa Beach, Kenya.







91: Where was your best holiday?


92: Why?


93: Where was your worst holiday?


94: Why?


95: What's the best hotel you've ever been to? Why?


96: What's the worst hotel you've ever been to? Why?



A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q


A  E  I  O  U




a: I go / went to work yesterday.


b: I ate / eat spaghetti yesterday.


c: I drink / drank coca cola on Friday.


d: He robbed / rob the lady last night.


e: I look / looked at my photos last week.


f: She saw / see lots of elephants on the safari last year.


g: He stay / stayed in the hotel for 5 days.


h: She took / take 200 photos of the zebras.


i: I am / was tired yesterday.


j: We were / was in the bar last night.


k: The nurse take care / took care of the baby yesterday morning.


l: I worked / work at the hospital 5 years ago.


m: I watch / watched TV all night yesterday.


n: She travel / travelled to Kenya last year.

Tree Top Hotel, Kenya.jpg

Photo 6: Tree Tops Hotel, Kenya.


Photo 7: Guildford, England. 

Vocabulary. Past Tense Revision.


Go = went 


Eat = ate


Drink = drank


Rob = robbed


Look = looked


See = saw


Stay = stayed 


Take = took


Was = estava


Were = estavam/ estavamos


Live = lived


Like = liked


Study = studied







May I smoke?


May I open the window?


May I have a coffee during the lesson?


May I go home early today?


May I use the bathroom?





Imagine that you are in a friend's house and that you want to use the bathroom.


So, you say the following: “May I use the bathroom?”


  97: You want to watch TV.    “May I ………….TV?”


  98: You want to go home from work early.


  99: You want to borrow your dad´s car.


100: You want to open the window.


101: You want to help.


102: You want to change the CD.


103: You want to use the telephone.


104: You want to turn off the TV.



Grammar. Past Continuous.


Yesterday, there was an accident at work. A colleague fell over and broke her arm.


At the time, Clive was working, his friend was phoning a client, his boss was speaking to his secretary and the secretary was typing.




105: What was Clive doing when the accident occurred?


106: What was the boss doing when the accident occurred?


107: What was Clive’s friend doing when the accident happened?


108: What was the secretary doing when the accident happened?




109: What were you doing at 5 o’clock yesterday morning?


110: What were you doing at 7 o’clock yesterday morning?


111: What were you doing at 10 o’clock yesterday morning?


112: At 12 o’clock midday?


113: At 4 o’clock in the afternoon?


114: What were you doing at 8 p.m yesterday?


115: At midnight?


116: Where were you working in April 2015?


117: Where were you living in June 2000?


118: Where were you living 20 years ago?


119: Where were you studying 20 years ago?    



A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T   


A  E  I  O  U                     






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34



120: Now count the even numbers


121: Now count the odd numbers


123: Now count in increments of 3


124: Now count in increments of 3 going backwards


125: Repeat the exercise with increments of 4, 5 and 6.




You can practice numbers when you are sitting on a bus, on a train or waiting in a queue/line.


Other situations where you can practice:


Waiting rooms.                              


Waiting for the doctor.


Waiting for the dentist.                   


Just practice the numbers in your head. 



A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  


A  E  I  O  U  


Revision Test.


z: I go / went to a restaurant yesterday.


y: I ate / eat rice and beans yesterday.


x: I drink / drank vodka on Friday.


w: He steal / stole a car yesterday night.


v: I look / looked at my art last week.


u: She saw / see lots of rhinos on the safari last year.


t: He stay / stayed in the guest house (pousada) for 5 days.


s: She took / take 50 photos of the birds.


r: I am / was tired yesterday.


q: We were / was in the shopping mall last night.


p: The nurse take care / took care of the patient yesterday morning.


o: I worked / work hard at the hospital last night.


n: I watch / watched TV all night yesterday.


m: She travel / travelled to Ethiopia last year.


Photo 8: 

Grammar. Simple past.  (Revision


e.g. I went to the beach yesterday = eu fui a praia ontem


e.g. I ate cake after lunch yesterday = eu comi bolo depois do almoço ontem


e.g. I went to work early yesterday = eu fui ao trabalho cedo ontem


e.g. I liked the film yesterday = eu gostei do filme ontem


e.g. I lived in Manchester in 2016 = eu morei em Manchester em 2016


e.g. I studied at MIT university in 2017 = eu estudei na faculdade MIT em 2017


e.g. I went to London last month = eu fui ao Londres no mês passado



Congratulations! You have successfully concluded 

Pre-Intermediate 1 of your English course.

Altrincham, Greater Manchester

Photo 9: Altrincham, Greater Manchester. 

English 4 Professionals Mediterannean 8
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