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Image by Ed Robertson

Intermediate 1A

Present perfect = today, this week, this month, this year, recently.


Simple past tense = yesterday, last week, last month, last year, 5 years ago, etc etc


Which is correct?


1: I ate / have eaten spaghetti yesterday.


2: I ate / have eaten spaghetti today.


3: I went / have been to the bank today.


4: I went / have been to the bank yesterday.


5: She drank / has drunk a beer yesterday.


6: She drank / has drunk a beer today.


7: He went / has been to Manchester last year.


8: He has been to / went to Manchester this year.


9: He went to / has been to Manchester last month.


10: He went to / has been to Manchester this month.


11: I have spoken to / I spoke to my mother today.


12: I have spoken to / I spoke to my mother last week.


13: She bought / has bought a new car in September.


14: She bought / has bought a new car today.


15: He finished / has finished the project recently.


16: He finished / has finished the project last Friday.


17: I have called / I called a lot of clients today.


18: I have called / I called a lot of friends recently.


19: I have called / I called a lot of clients last week.


20: He drove / has driven all the way from SP to Bahia.


21: He drove / has driven all the way from SP to Bahia last summer.


22: I sent you / have sent you the file 2 hours ago.


23: I sent you / have sent you the file today.



Present Perfect & Past Tense questions.


Which is correct? 


a: Have you been to Bahia?

b: Have you been to Bahia last year?


a: Have you been to the book exposition last week?

b: Have you been to the book exposition?


a: Have you ever eaten feijoada?

b: Have you eaten feijoada this week?

c: Have you eaten feijoada yesterday?


a: Have you spoken to your mother last week?

b: Have you spoken to your mother this week?


a: Have you been to Manchester?

b: Did you go to Manchester?


a: Have you been to Shopping D&D?

b: Did you go to Shopping D&D?


a: Did you go to the world cup?

b: Did you go to the world cup in 2018?

c: Have you ever been to the world cup?


a: Did you go to the Olympics in Rio in 2016?

b: Have you been to the Olympics in Rio in 2016?


a: Have you drunk coffee yesterday?

b: Did you drink coffee yesterday?

c: Have you drunk coffee today?


a: Have you finished the project?

b: Have you finished the project last week?


a: Did you finish the project last week?

b: Have you finished the project last week?


a: Did you call the client today?

b: Have you called the client today?


a: Have you designed the page?

b: Did you design the page?


a: Did you send an email to Miss Reeves today?

b: Have you sent an email to Miss Reeves today?

c: Have you sent an email to Miss Reeves yesterday?

1,521:   Past tense revision.


Have   Had


Eat     Ate


Drink     Drank


Do     Did


Speak     Spoke


Take     Took


Get up     Got up


Go            Went


Forget       Forgot


Go out      Went out


Cut           Cut


Put           Put


Write        Wrote



1,522: Use each verb above in the past tense in a sentence.


Discussion: Fashion.


1,523:  Do you think that fashion is interesting these days, or boring?


1,524:  Which fashion is the best? What do you like?


1,525:  What do you like to wear at work?


1,526:  What do you like to wear on Saturdays?


1,527:  What do you like to wear on a very cold day?


1,528:  What do you like to wear in the summer?


Revision of past tense.


Negative forms of verbs. 


I didn’t have.


I didn’t eat.


I didn’t drink.


I didn’t do.


I didn’t speak.


1,529: Write 5 negative sentences using ‘didn’t’ and regular verbs.


1,530: Now write 5 sentences using irregular verbs in the negative form.



Present Perfect or Past Tense?


I have been to Natal.                   

I went to Natal 5 months ago.


I’ve been to Recife.                      

I went to Recife last weekend.


I’ve been to Luigi’s Pizzeria.       

I went to Luigi’s Pizzeria 2 weeks ago.


I’ve never been to Salvador.      


I’ve never been to Recife Shopping Mall.


Give 5 examples of places you have been to & never been to.





1,531:  In which suburb would you prefer to live in your city?


1,532:  Which suburbs are considered the best in your city?


1,533:  What essential services are there in your area?


1,534:  What spare time options are there?


1,535:  Is your area dangerous at night?


1,536:  Is the crime rate high in your city?


1,537:  Is there a famous football club near you?


1,538:  Are hooligans or violence a problem in football in your country?


1,539:  Where do you go to practice sports?


1,540:  Are there good facilities for children in your suburb? Parks etc?


1,541:  Where are the cinemas in your city, in the centre or in shopping centres?


1,542:  Do shopping centres change suburbs, create more jobs, more traffic, new housing?



Grammar: There is, there are, have.


Which is correct, and which is incorrect? 


​a: There is a bakery on my street.

b: Have a bakery on my street.


c: Have a very good shopping centre on Avenida Paulista, São Paulo.

d: There are a very good shopping centre on Avenida Paulista, São Paulo.

e: There is a very good shopping centre on Avenida Paulista, São Paulo. 


f: There are two cartons of milk in my fridge.

g: Have two cartons of milk in my fridge.


h: There is a lot of traffic in my street every day.

i:  Have a lot of traffic in my street every day.


j: There are many cars on my street every day.

k: There is many cars on my street every day.

l: Have many cars on my street every day. 


m: In my company, there are many employees with expensive smartphones.

n:  In my company, have many employees with expensive smartphones.


o: There are many discounts available in shops during a recession.

p: There is many discounts available in shops during a recession.

q: Have many discounts available in shops during a recession.


r: There isn't a Human Resourses department in my company.

s: No have a Human Resources department in my company.

t: There aren't a Human Resources department in my company.


u: Don't have a shopping centre or a sports centre in my neighbourhood.

v: There isn't a shopping centre or a sports centre in my neighbourhood.


w: There aren't air conditioning in my house.

x: There isn't air conditioning in my house.


y: Don't have a competent leader in my department.

z: There isn't a competent leader in my department.




Questions in the present perfect. 


Questions about today or this week.



** Answer the questions by saying 'Yes, I have.'  or  'No, I haven't.'



1,543:  Have you spoken to your mother today?


1,544:  Have you seen Brad Pitt this year?


1,545:  Have you done your washing this week?


1,546:  Have you been to the cinema this week?


1,547:  Have you been for a beer this week?


1,548:  Have you made any plans for the weekend?


1,549:  Have you phoned your bank today?


1,550:  Have you spoken to anyone about your problems?


1,551:  Have you started anything new this week?


1,552:  Have you had lunch today?


1,553:  Have you been to the shopping centre today?


1,554:  Have you ever had a dream that was very real?


1,555:  Have you started a new project this year? 


1,556:  Have you ever been to Natal or Fortaleza? 


Present perfect continuous.



There are many ways to use present perfect continuous, including hundreds of verbs and phrasal verbs. But the three most common sentences used are:



I’ve been living in..........for..........years.


I’ve been working at..........for..........years.


I’ve been studying at..........for..........years.



In these cases, you have been living, working, or studying for an uninterrupted period until this moment.





I’ve been living in João Pessoa for 10 years.


(I started living in João Pessoa 10 years ago and I’m still living here now.)


I’ve been working at Sadia for 5 years


(I started working at Sadia 5 years ago and I’m still working here now.)


I’ve been studying at UFPB for 3 years.


(I started studying at UFPB 3 years ago and I still study here now.)



Complete the sentences below.


1,557:  I’ve ..........  .......... in .......... for ...... years and ... months. (live)


1,558:  I’ve ..........  .......... at .......... for ...... years and ... months. (work)


1,559: I’ve ..........  ........... at .......... for ...... years and ... months. (study)




Past, present perfect, and future tenses.



1,560:  Yesterday, I ..........  ...... bed at 11 p.m.


1,561:  Today I will probably ..........  ...... bed at 10 p.m.


1,563:  Last week, I .......... spaghetti every day.


1,564:  Tomorrow, I’m going to .......... lasagna.


1,565:  Yesterday, I .......... my husband/wife to a lovely restaurant.


1,566:  I normally go to work by car. I never .......... by bus.


1,567:  Yesterday, I .......... too much beer and now I feel awful!


1,568:  I would like to .......... smoking because cigarettes are bad for my health.


1,569:  She normally gets up at 6 in the morning, but yesterday she .......... up at 8.


1,570:  Last night, I .......... TV all night.


1,571:  Last week, I didn’t have any time ......  .......... football.


1,572:  Last night, I .......... badly because I wasn’t at all tired.


1,573:  She .......... the spaghetti for 8 minutes.


1,574:  She waited for the water ......  .......... before dropping in the spaghetti.


1,575:  I haven’t .......... time to listen to music this week.


1,576:  I .......... along the beach for about 2 miles until I got too tired.


1,577:  I went to the supermarket to .......... vegetables and fruit.



Conversation. Past tense.


1,578:  What did you do yesterday?


1,579:  What did you do the day before yesterday?


1,580:  What was the last film you watched at the cinema?


1,581:  Tell me about the film.


1,582:  What happened?


1,583:  Who was in it?


1,584:  Where did you go on holiday last year?


1,585:  What did you do, eat, drink, and see there?



Complete the following sentences:


1,586: My wine glass is empty. I need a r..........l.


1.587: My head is aching. I need some m...........


1,588: After work, I usually go to a b...........


1,589: He has never been to a shopping c...........


1,590: I need to cut this paper. Do you have any s..........s?


1,591: The Liberals are a political p....y.


1,592: He is a radical member of the engineering trade u....n.


1,593: Sayuri is wearing blue Levi j...........


1,594: Cleber doesn’t live alone. He lives with his g............


1,595: I need more money. My salary is not


1,596: He hasn’t bought any cigarettes this week because he’s given up s...........  


1,597: I’ve already read this m...........


1,598: I saw the film on Netflix, but I never watched it at the c...........


1,599: He was last s....n wearing a blue shirt and white trousers.  (to see)


1,600: John had all the time in the w....d to do his homework, but he still forgot.


1,601: It’s just a matter of ti.. before he has an accident in that car.


1,602: “Hold on a s.........., please, while I go look for him.”


1,603: If it ain’t broke, don’t f.. it.


1,604: A bird in the hand is worth t.... in the bush.


1,605: There’s no p....t in doing it if it doesn’t give you any pleasure.


1,606: Money can’t buy you l...


1,607: If you want a job well done, you’ve got to do it y..........f.




Grammar. Present Perfect Questions.


1,608: Have you ever been to Alagoas? 


1,609: Have you ever eaten Chinese food?


1,610: Have you ever travelled on a coach for more than 24 hours? 




Grammar. 'His', 'her' or 'your'? Choose the correct word.


1,611: Mirella picked up his / her / your book. 


1,612: Marcio picked up his / her / your book.


1,613: Lorena bought his / her / your handbag yesterday.


1,614: Marcio bought his / her / your wife a handbag yesterday.


1,615: Eduardo finished reading his / her book yesterday.


1,616: Mirella finished reading his / her book yesterday. 


1,617: Did Lorena forget his / her keys?


1,618: Did Marcos forget his / her keys?


1,619: Lorena spoke to his / her father yesterday.


1,620: Marcio spoke to his / her father yesterday.


1,621: Lorena spoke to his / her mother two days ago.


1,622: Marcio spoke to his / her mother two days ago.






don't / doesn't


a: Mirella don't / doesn't like chocolate.


b: Cicera don't / doesn't have a Ferrari. 


c: The family don't / doesn't have Covid-19.


d: I doesn't / don't drink beer.


e: Paul and John doesn't / don't live in Dublin.


f:  Marcelo Bielsa don't / doesn't like people very much.


g: John and Fred don't / doesn't enjoy doing nothing.


h: Mirella and Luana doesn't / don't work together.


i:  Daniel and Luana doesn't / don't live in Canada yet.


j:  Lidia doesn't / don't like travelling. 




Re-write the Present Perfect & Past Tense questions.


a: Have been you to Bahia?


b: Have you to been Bahia this year?


c: Have been to you the book exposition week this?


d: You have been to the book exposition?


e: Have you ever feijoada eaten?


f: You eaten have feijoada this week?


g: Have you feijoada eaten today?


h: Spoken you have to your mother this week?


i: You spoken your mother to have this week?


j: You have been to Manchester?


k: Did you go to Manchester year last?


l: You have been to Shopping D&D?


m: You go did to Shopping D&D?


n: You go to the world cup did in 2018?


o: Did go you to the world cup in 2018?


p: Ever have you been to the world cup?


q: Did you to go the Olympics in Rio in 2016?


r: Ever have you been to the Olympics?


s: You have drunk coffee today?


t: You did drink coffee yesterday?


u: You have coffee drunk today?


v: You have finished the project?


w: You finish did the project last week?


x: You did finish the project last week?


y: Finished you have the project this week?


z: You did call the client yesterday?


bb: (double b) You have called the client today?


cc: Have you the designed page?


dd: You did design the page?


ee: Did you an email send to Miss Reeves yesterday?


oo: Have you an email sent to Miss Reeves today?


rr: You have sent an email to Miss Reeves this week?






Comparative exercises:


Which is correct?


a: The sky is more clear.

b: The sky is clearer.


c: My friend is more tall than me. 

d: My friend is taller than me.


e: Belo Horizonte is further from São Paulo than Campinas is. 

f: Belo Horizonte is more far from São Paulo than Campinas is. 


g: The bank is nearer to my house than the post office.

h: The bank is more near to my house than the post office.


i: São Paulo is more big than Rio de Janeiro.

j: São Paulo is bigger than Rio de Janeiro.


k: Lasagna is more good for lunch than a snickers bar.

l: Lasagna is better for lunch than a snickers bar.


Make the comparative:


small / smaller












Long adjectives, three syllables or more:


Expensive / more expensive 










e.g. the correct is "more expensive, more incredible, more beautiful, more wonderful, more independent, more respectful, more marvellous, more rudimentary." 







Which is correct?


o: São Paulo is the big city in Brazil.

p: São Paulo is the biggest city in Brazil.


q: Puglick coffee is 10$. Pele coffee is 5$. Samus coffee is 3$. Samus coffee is the most cheap.

r: Puglick coffee is 10$. Pele coffee is 5$. Samus coffee is 3$. Samus coffee is the cheapest.


s: Mount Everest is the more high mountain.

t: Mount Everest is the highest mountain.



Make these adjectives into superlatives:


Good / the best









Long adjectives with three syllables or more.


Beautiful / the most beautiful













I was going to…… = Eu ia…………


e.g. I was going to tell you = Eu ia te contar.


Translate and /or complete the following:


a: Eu ia dizer =


b: Eu ia comprar um telefone mas ....


c: Eu ia ao Shopping mas .....


d: Eu ia cozinhar ....... mas .....


e: Eu ia treinar mas .....


f: Eu ia te contar mas .....


g: Eu ia trabalhar até 18h mas .....


h: Eu ia ter reunião mas .....



Word Confusion.


Was & Has


a: Denis has a new sports car.


b: Charles was happy before the awful breakfast was served.


c: Ivone was unhappy before she had the delicious lunch.


d: Charles has a Mini Cooper.


e: Mirella was on holiday in Sweden.


f: Cicera was disappointed with Paris.


g: Lidia has a brand-new bicycle.


h: Daniel has his own business. He is self-employed.


i: Daniel was anxious about the near future.


j: Marcio has plans for the long term.


k: Eduardo was planning for the medium term.


l: Catherine likes to plan only for the short term.




​Limitations of goals-only thinking.


​#1. Winners and losers have the same goals.



​#2. Setting a goal is easy. Choosing the next best step is the challenge.



​#3. Goals are outside your control. But behaviours are within your control.



2 ways to make goals work.


​First, what can you do TODAY that moves you closer to achieving your goal? 


​Second, determine why your goal matters. Goals are secondary matters. Why do you want to speak English very well? 


​Tip: Eliminate behaviours that block progress. Write a 'to-do' list AND a ‘to-don’t’ list when you set a goal.




​Thanks for sharing.




Dan Rockman, Leadership Freak




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