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What is Blended Learning?

Let's look at a high-quality, Blended Learning definition, that is broken down into four different parts.



The first part of our definition is that it should be personalized and by that we mean it goes after the needs, the gaps for every student, not the class as a whole. It's personalized for each learner.


The second part of this definition is that it's mastery-based. Basically, that means that students move on and receive credit only after they've mastered a core concept. And a correlate to that is that students can go after demonstrating mastery, whenever they're ready. They don't have to wait till the teacher says, we're at week seven, now's the time to test that. So, if you're keeping score at home, just remember it frees you up from the tyranny of the clock, to focus on actual learning.


The third key element is that it's based on high expectations for students, which means that each student has clearly defined rigorous standards that prepare them for success in college and career.


And the fourth and last element of this definition is there's student ownership. And this is critical. Student ownership means that students are empowered with the skills, information, and tools that they need to manage their own learning.


1) Personalized: English 4 Professionals personalizes every facet of your holiday and learning experience with us. 


2) Mastery-Based: We don't move on to a new text until we are absolutely sure that you have mastered/dominated the language involved.


3) High Expectation: In this case, we will do our utmost to live up to your high expectations, but we cannot guarantee it. However, with blended learning, you will discover that the 'flipping' technique is very beneficial. It involves a complete reversal of the traditional way of classwork followed by homework.


With Walk and Talk's Blended Learning, you will have the option to study texts, online, via Coursera, Netflix or Youtube while you relax in a café or pub, and the lesson with the teacher will be your opportunity to practice pronunciation, discuss the topic you have been studying and work on your Specialization homework, dissertation and theories. 


4) Student Ownership: Yes, you really are the owner of the course. You have chosen to practice 20 hours per week, and you will also choose how many hours you put in online, reading texts, sitting and thinking in English, or practicing English in the gym, at a meet-up, at the supermaket, on an excursion, or any other way that interests you in Ireland. 

While you are with us, why not take the opportunity to study, using your English knowledge, to obtain a certificate from a leading American university?




By following a course online from an international university, you not only use your English knowledge but you improve it infinitely. 


Why study online?


1) The act of being approved by a university such as Michigan or M.I.T, for example, is serious proof of your ability to understand and communicate in English as well as updating your C.V and Linkedin with a certificate that demonstrates competence in a professional field.


2) The university's certificate can be uploaded immediately and published on your Linkedin profile page.


3) Should you encounter any difficulties with the course's content, you can count on our help to explain the vocabulary. However, it would be unethical on our part to offer any help with the final test other than to help with the English side of it. 


4) Getting a top-tier university qualification is an excellent incentive to study a little more during your time in Malta, Italy and England. 


5) We've saved the best reason for last: Imagine the end of a beautiful day in Rome, Palermo, Valetta or London. You enter a pub, a restaurant or a bistro, open your laptop or turn on your tablet or smartphone and log on to the university's course.


You are relaxed, on holiday and also about to study to improve your future or the future of your loved ones.  


Enjoy the course and the new-found knowledge, improve your English and add another experience to your life and another qualification towards your professional and personal goals. 

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Good Teaching v Out-of-date Teaching


“Traditional face-to-face teaching really means one person who teaches what they think they know.


It's a process whereby the knowledge of the teacher is transferred to the notes of the student without passing through the brain of either, whereas the whole point of English 4 Professional's course materials is to engage and to take the student on a learning journey.


Our clients interact with the course material, the city and the culture around them.”

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