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Image by Magdalena Smolnicka

​        40+ difficult interview questions. 


  • 1 Can you tell me about yourself?


  • 2 What Are Your Weaknesses? 


  • 3 Why Should We Hire You? 


  • 4 Why Do You Want to Work Here? 


  • 5 What Are Your Goals? 


  • 6 Why Did You Leave (Or Why Are You Leaving) Your Job? 


  • 7 When Were You Most Satisfied in Your Job? 


  • 8 What Can You Do for Us That Other Candidates Can't?

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  • 9 Where do you see yourself in five years' time? 

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  • 10 How is your relationship with your current team?

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  • 11 Tell us about a time when you used logic to solve a problem.

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  • 12 What’s your experience with benchmarking studies?

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  • 13 How do you help or ensure that your department meets all compliance obligations?

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  • 14 Describe a crisis of motivation you faced in one of your former jobs.

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  • 15 Describe a situation in which you were able to use persuasion to successfully convince someone.

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  • 16 Have you ever worked on a project that was a failure?

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  • 17 Describe a time when you struggled to build a relationship with someone important.

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  • 18 If you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be?

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  • 19 Tell me about a stressful scenario in the past and how you handled it.

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  • 20 What hobbies or sports are you involved with outside of work, and why do you enjoy them?

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  • 21 Can you tell me about a time when you went above and beyond in your job?

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  • 22 What drives you in your professional life?

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  • 23 What makes you unique?

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  • 24 Describe a time when you dealt with change.

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  • 25 Do you have somebody who can do your job when you leave? 

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  • 26 Describe a conflict you had with one of your colleagues in your last job.

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  • 27 Tell us about the most difficult problem you had to address in your last job.

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  • 28 Describe a time when you struggled to communicate something to your colleague. How did you manage to get your message over?

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  • 29 What does integrity mean to you?

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  • 30 Describe the biggest failure of your professional career.

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  • 31 What is your experience in setting up reporting or communication controls?

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  • 32 Tell us about a time when you showed initiative at work.

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  • 33 Tell us about a time when you faced a conflict of personal and professional interests in your work.

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  • 34 How do you define quality?

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  • 35 Tell us about a time when you had to make a decision without all the information you needed.

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  • 36 Describe a situation when you used logic to solve a problem.

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  • 37 Why shouldn’t we hire you?

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  • 38 What critical feedback do you most often receive? 

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  • 39 What would you do if you discovered that a director was doing something illegal or immoral at the company? 

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  • 40 How do you react to negative feedback? 

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  • 41 Tell me about a time you overcame an obstacle. 

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  • 42 How do you handle your stress or anxiety? 

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  • 43 How do you help people who are stressed or anxious in your team? 

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  • 44 What have been your most positive and negative management experiences?

  • ​

  • 45 Do you have any regrets?

  • ​

Advanced Interview Techniques.


Personality Assessment.




 1: I'm cranky and irritable when I don't feel well. 


 2: I have never hated anyone.


 3: I always try to see the other person's point of view.


 4: I am a leader in my group, but I could improve.


 5: I expect to succeed in the things that I do.





 6: I often lose my temper.


 7: I'd like to learn to scuba dive. 


 8: I get motivated very easily.


 9: I feel guilty about some of the things I have done.


10: I am always arguing with people.





11: I like challenges.


12: I'm a very self-confident person.


13: When I was at school I gave the teachers a hard time.


14: I wish I knew what I wanted out of life.


15: In school, I didn't like maths.





16: I don't care if others like the things that I do.


17: I seldom pay attention to how I look.


18: I get nervous if someone is watching me.


19: I'd enjoy skydiving if I had the opportunity.


20: I'd rather stay at home and read or watch TV than go to a party.





21: I enjoy solving riddles.


22: I don't mind criticising people, especially when they need it.


23: Being part of a large crowd is exciting.


24: I don't mind talking in front of a group of people.


25: Entering a room full of people often makes me feel uncomfortable.





26: I sometimes wanted to run away from home.


27: I don't really care what other people think of me.


28: In school, talking in front of the class was hard for me.


29: I always practice what I preach.


30: I do my job as well as I possibly can.





31: When something doesn't work, I usually want to know why.


32: I sometimes wish I were somebody else.


33: I get away with a lot of things.


34: I'm known for coming up with good ideas.


35: I often feel anxious.





36: In school, I was frequently rebellious.


37: I'm not afraid to be the first to try something.


38: When people are nice to me I wonder what they want.


39: I never know what I will do tomorrow.


40: I enjoy reading poetry.





41: I'm good at telling jokes and funny stories.


42: I'm seldom tense or anxious.


43: The future seems hopeless to me.


44: Everyone has some good qualities.


45: I often have indigestion.





46: Many people would say that I am shy.


47: I don't let little things bother me.


48: I'd like to go mountain climbing.


49: Putting on an act for people is often necessary.


50: I can't do many things well.





51: When someone gives me a job to do, I finish it no matter what.


52: I enjoy showing off a little now and then.


53: I like to try new or exotic dishes. 


54: I enjoy helping people.


55: In a group, I never draw attention to myself. 





56: In school, I memorized facts quickly.


57: I often think about the reasons for my actions.


58: I'd like a job that requires travelling abroad.


59: I read at least one book per month.


60: I like talking to people.





61: As a child, school was easy for me.


62: I enjoy doing crossword puzzles.


63: My success depends on my appearance.


64: No matter what happened, I always felt that my parents loved me.


65: I'm uncertain about what the next step should be in my life.





66: I tend to give up when I meet very difficult problems.


67: To get along with people, I sometimes pretend that I'm interested in their conversation.


68: I like to do things on the spur of the moment.


69: I have a large vocabulary.


70: I set high standards for myself.





71: I like parties and social events.


72: I don't enjoy a game unless I win.


73: I enjoy a lot of variety in my life.


74: Most people are not as honest as they seem.


75: I'd rather read than watch TV.





76: At school and college, I was usually in the upper part of my class.


77: Sometimes I am hard to get along with.


78: I never go out of my way to help others.


79: I'm a quick-witted person.


80: I worry a lot.





81: I often wonder how it is that I got to be the person I am.


82: There were times when I resented my colleagues.


83: I'm often the life of the party.


84: I am a good listener no matter with whom I am talking.


85: People think that I am a non-conformist.





86: I have taken things apart just to see how they work.


87: Other people's opinions of me are not important.


88: Planning things in advance takes the fun out of life.


89: I'd like to be a Grand Prix or rally-cross driver.


90: I often have headaches.





91: Even as a child I was interested in how things work. 


92: My life often seems to have no meaning.


93: I get tired of doing things the same old way.


94: If something is worth doing, then it's worth doing it well.


95: I think I'd like to carry out research.





  96: Politicians will steal if they are sure they won't get caught. Most people are like that.


  97: I find it hard to act naturally when I'm with people new to me.


  98: I'm not very innovative or creative.


  99: When I'm in a bad mood, I let everyone else know it.


100: I'd rather follow orders than give them.





101: I find surfing exciting.


102: I find Greek mythology interesting.


103: I find ancient Egyptian history fascinating.


104: I find information regarding other galaxies fascinating.


105: I find being with younger people to be eye-opening.





106: I lack self-confidence.


107: Most of the time I expect to succeed.


108: I feel that life is just passing me by.


109: I've got a lot of close friends.


110: I remain calm in a crisis.





111: I'm a forgiving person.


112: I'm often frustrated or irritated by faults in others. 


113: I'm an ambitious person.


114: I don't trust people unless I know them very well.


115: I love the hustle and bustle of city crowds.





116: I hate opera.


117: I love jazz.


118: I loathe classical music.


119: I can make up stories quickly.


120: I can bullshit quicker than others when it's called for.





121: I'm a hard and steady worker.


122: I often do things on impulse.


123: I'm interested in science.


124: Technology is something that I love.


125: I can multiply or divide large numbers quickly.





126: I like not knowing what tomorrow will bring.


127: I'm good at inventing new games.


128: Rarely do I get angry with others. 


129: Seldom do I read or watch a detective story.


130: Never do I have problems with my colleagues.





131: Never have I deliberately told a lie.


132: Never have I resented being asked to do someone a favour.


133: Not only do I enjoy being with almost anyone, but I also try to make new friends.


134: Not only does nothing matter to me anymore, but I also feel like giving up on some things.


135: Not once have I got anxious about a day at work.







136: Not once have I thought about changing my personality.


137: Most people are nice once you get to know them.


138: Even when I'm not feeling well, I still work hard.


139: I often try to understand myself.


140: I'd like to change a lot of things about my appearance.





141: I'm a happy-go-lucky person.


142: I like to take charge, give orders and get things moving along.


143: I can use a smartphone, tablet or laptop as easily as I can write. 


144: I prioritise ethical values in all negotiations.


145: I sometimes pretend to know more than I actually do. 

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