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Manchester, Salford Media City (2).jpg









In Greater Manchester, there are 7 football teams. Two are famous, Manchester City and Manchester United. There isn’t a good basketball team and there isn’t a good volleyball team in the city.




Manchester is a big city. There is a lot of traffic. There is also a lot of crime from drug traffickers and car thieves in some areas of the city.




There are many nightclubs in the centre of the city and there is also a famous cathedral.




Manchester is also famous for some other things: There is a TV studio for recording soap-operas and films. There are many excellent museums and art galleries. There isn’t a beach or a river, but there is a canal; the Manchester Ship Canal, and it was constructed to transport products by ship from Liverpool to Manchester, and Manchester back to Liverpool.




There are many famous bands from Manchester. There is Simply Red, M-People, New Order, Oasis, and The Smiths for example.







1° Write four sentences about your city.


2° Write three examples using “there is” for uncountable subjects.





Paul McCartney is a musician.


He is very rich.


He is very famous.


He has a big house.




Fulano is unemployed.


He is very poor.


He isn’t famous.


He doesn’t have a car.


He doesn’t have anything.




Maria Bethania is a singer.


She is also very rich.


She is very famous.


She has an inexpensive car.




Lidia is a waitress.


She is quite poor.


She isn’t famous.


She rents an apartment.


She goes to work by bus.






101: Is P McCartney a musician?


102: Is P McCartney a waitress?


103: Does Lidia have a bike?


104: Does Lidia have a car?


105: Is Maria a musician?


106: Does Fulano have a big house?


107: Is Fulano unemployed?


108: Is Fulano rich?


109: Does Fulano have an apartment?


110: Is Maria Bethania rich?


111: Does Lidia rent an apartment?


112: Is Paul McCartney stinking rich?


113: What does Paul McCartney do?


114: What do you do?


115: What does Mel Gibson do?


116: What does your dad do?


117: What do you do?


118: What does your partner do?


119: What does your brother do?


120: Are you Brazilian?


121: Are you Irish?


122: Are you famous?


123: Are you tall?


124: Are you brown-eyed?


125: Are you fun?


126: Are you a waitress?


127: Are you a shop assistant?


128: Are you a musician?


129: Are you the boss?









Write five sentences about what you like and what you don’t like.



Write three sentences about your mum.



Write three examples of “there is “and three examples of “there are”.






What kind of _______ do you prefer?



130: What kind of music do you prefer?


131: What kind of food do you prefer?


132: What kind of films do you prefer?







Fernando is a businessman.


He’s very rich and famous.


He’s married.


He has six kids.


His house is large and expensive and there’s a swimming pool in the garden.


There are ten bedrooms in Fernando’s house.


His car is English. It’s a Jaguar.


The Jaguar is a fast and comfortable car.


He also has a Harley, a traditional motorbike.


Nevertheless, Fernando isn’t happy because he needs more money and a new car.








133: Is Fernando married?


134: What does he do?


135: Is he rich?


136: Is he famous?


137: Does he have a house?


138: Is it a small house?


139: Where is the swimming pool?


140: How many bedrooms are there?


141: Does he have a motorbike?


142: What make is it?


143: Is Fernando happy?


144: Why not?



And you?


145: Do you have a house or an apartment?


146: How many bedrooms are there?


147: Do you have a car?


148: What do you need?







Peter Smith is a salesman.


He sells cars.


He’s quite wealthy, but he isn’t famous.


His house is small, but it’s very cosy.


There is only one bedroom in the house.


Mr Smith’s car is a Fiat Uno.


The car is very small, slow and quite uncomfortable.


Mr Smith’s wife, Angela, hates the car. She’d prefer a Toyota.


Mr Smith isn’t happy at all.


He needs more money and a better car.






Nevertheless = mesmo assim 


Salesman = vendedor       


Saleswoman = vendedora


Sells = vende


Wealthy = bem de vida


Cosy = aconchagante


At all = de forma alguma


Better = melhor





149: What does Mr Smith do?


150: Is he very wealthy?


151: How many bedrooms are there?


152: Is Peter married?


153: What’s his wife’s name?


154: Is he famous?


155: Is Mr Smith’s car Japanese?


156: Does Angela hate the car?


157: Why?


158: Is Mr Smith happy?


159: Why not?


160: Does he need more money?


161: Does he need a better house?



And you?


162: Are you happy?


163: Are you married?


164: Do you need a better car?


165: Do you need more money?






166: How are you?


167: What do you do?


168: Where do you live?


169: Where do you work?


170: Where do you study?


171: Do you have a car?


172: Do you like listening to music?


173: Can you swim?


174: Are you married?


175: Do you speak Italian?


176: Do you deal with clients?


177: What do you need?


178: Does Lula speak English?


179: Is George Michael a musician?


180: Do you prefer shopping or watching football?


181: Do you have a credit card?


182: What kind of music do you prefer?


183: What kind of films do you prefer?


184: Is Kaká very famous?


185: Where does he play football?


186: Does Gilberto Gil speak English?


187: Does your mum have a car?


188: Do you have a boyfriend / girlfriend?


189: Is a Jaguar cheap?


190: Is Roberto Carlos poor?


191: Can you cook lasagna?


192: Do you have a current account?


193: How many bedrooms are there in your apartment?


194: What do you do?


195: How are you?


196: Good evening!


197: Is Lula the American President?


198: Is Joe Biden famous?


199: Do you prefer American music or Brazilian music?


200: Do you prefer watching volleyball or watching films?


201: What kind of magazines do you read?


202: What kind of books do you read?


203: Do you speak English?


204: Do you deal with money?


205: Where does your partner work?


206: Is Ronaldinho a woman?


207: Is George Michael a waiter?


208: Is Maria Bethania a shop assistant?


209: What do you need?


210: Which is more important: Love, money, or fame?


211: Is Recife a dangerous city?






Sandra is a successful businesswoman from São Paulo, Brazil. She has an apartment in Moema and a house in Ubatuba. She also has a flat in New York.


Sandra has a new Audi and a lot of money in investments. She is married and she has two lovely children: a son and a daughter.


Sandra is an attractive woman of 35 years. She has short, brown hair and dark, brown eyes. She is a brunette.


She likes going to restaurants and the beach in Ubatuba.


She reckons that life is great. She is very happy. She has everything.





213: Where is Sandra from?


214: What does Sandra do?


215: Is she successful?


216: How many children does she have?


217: How old is she?


218: Is she happy?


219: What does she reckon?






John is from Burnley. He doesn’t have a good job. In fact, he has very little money. He’s broke.


He doesn’t have a house, he doesn’t have a car and he doesn’t have a girlfriend.


Life is crap. He is fed up.





220: Where does John live?


231: Does he have a good job?


242: Does he enjoy life?




SHOULD = Deveria




She should be happy = Ela deveria estar feliz.


He should buy a new car = Ele deveria comprar um carro novo.




Now, talk about your idea of the perfect husband or the perfect wife.


Say it like this:



He should be



He should have



She should be



She should have






Write about how he or she should be or what qualities he or she should have.








Grammar and Vocabulary.


















I sometimes drink beer.


I occasionally sleep in on Sundays.


I normally start work at 9 a.m.


I usually drink tea when I’m stressed.


I frequently forget to set my alarm.


I always work hard.


I never drink pinga.





                                                                  ANA PAULA.



Ana Paula is a teller (caixa) , and she works at a bank in João Pessoa.


She speaks Portuguese, of course, and English. She studies English twice a week at an English school.


Ana Paula doesn’t earn (ganha) much money, but she has a comfortable life.


She normally gets up very early and she normally drives to work. She is always very busy, but she never works on weekends.


Ana Paula likes eating Italian food and drinking wine. She enjoys (curte) life.





253: What does Ana Paula do?


264: Where does she work?


275: Does she work for an insurance company?


286: What time does she normally drive to work?


297: Is she lazy?


299: Does she normally work on weekends?


300: Does she enjoy life?


309: What languages does she speak?









311: What time do you normally get up?


322: Do you normally have breakfast?


333: What time do you normally start work?


344: What time do you normally have lunch?


355: Are you normally very busy?


366: What time do you normally finish work?


377: What time do you normally go to bed?


388: Do you always have dinner?


399: Do you sometimes have dinner?


400: Do you always work hard?


405: Do you sometimes drink beer at night?


410: How are you?


415: Do you like dealing with clients?


420: Where do you work?


430: Does your mum like shopping?


445: Can you cook?


460: Do you speak English?


475: Do you have a credit card?


490: Do you enjoy life?


510: What do you need?


620: Does your sister have a car?


730: Where does your boss live?


840: Are you married?


950: Were you married?


1,000: How many cousins do you have?


1,010: How many uncles and aunties do you have?


1,025: Do you need a new car, or do you need a new motorbike?


Congratulations! You have successfully concluded the Basic stage of your English language journey. You are now prepared for the Pre-intermediate stage! 

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