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Image by Konstantinos Papadopoulos






My name is Paul. I live in João Pessoa. I have an apartment in Bairro dos Estados.


I have one brother and two sisters. I am married. I speak Portuguese and English.


I work at Bradesco but I have a current account at Banco do Brasil. I have a cheque book, a Visa Card and some investments.


I like my boss and I like dealing with clients. I have a good job and a good salary.


I like shopping at Manaíra Shopping Centre and I like buying clothes.


I like music but I don’t like dancing. I like MPB and forró but I don’t like American music.


I like watching DVDs but I prefer the cinema. I don’t like watching romantic films. I prefer suspense or action.



Talk about yourself now.               


Homework: Write about yourself.






My name is Sandra. I’m a waitress at Luigi’s Pizzeria. I don’t have a good job. Luigi pays a very low salary. I make 1,000R$ per month. Only 1,000R$ per month.


I like working, but I don’t like working at Luigi’s. The salary is very low and I don’t have enough money to buy a car or an apartment. I don’t have enough money to buy new clothes and I don’t have enough money even to go dancing.


I like going dancing, watching films at the cinema in Mag Shopping Centre and going to the beach on Sundays.







Alessandro is a salesman. He works for a sports boutique in Recife.


Alessandro doesn’t like working in Recife because it is a dangerous city with a lot of traffic and crime.


The periphery of São Paulo is also dangerous at night. However, Alessandro likes working in São Paulo.


“I normally go to São Paulo to work and see my friends who live in the city. I like Pinheiros in São Paulo. It is very calm compared to Recife.


In Recife, I go to clubs and bars. I like dancing, drinking and eating at good restaurants. In São Paulo I also work hard, but I love to go out in Pinheiros to drink craft beer with my friends and colleagues.”






My name is Ana. I live in São Paulo. I work at a bank on Avenida Paulista, and my husband is a doctor at Clinicas Hospital.


São Paulo is a dangerous city, so I like to take my vacations in Europe. In Europe, I can relax and visit museums and castles. It is a romantic continent, with beautiful parks, cities and shops.


I don’t like the traffic in São Paulo. It is terrible!





Write about your city.


Write about what you like to do.





Go = Ir


Buy = Comprar


Look = Olhar


Wear = Vestir


Try = Tentar


Remember = Lembrar


Know = Saber / Conhecer


Check = Verificar


Meet = Encontrar


Carry = Carregar


Bring = Trazer


Give = Dar


Come back = Voltar


Talk = Conversar


Look for = Procurar


Try on = Provar / Experimentar (roupa)


Leave = Deixar


Forget = Esquecer


Use = Usar


Look after = Cuidar / Guardar


Invite = Convidar


Take = Levar / Tomar


Accept = Aceitar


To give up = desistir



GRAMMAR: "he is" & "she is" 



Governor Doria.


Doria is Brazilian.


He speaks Portuguese and English fluently.


He lives in SP.


He is the Governor of SP.


He likes spaghetti.


He studies Spanish and English.




1: What nationality is Doria?


2: What languages does he speak?


3: Where does he live?


4: Does he like spaghetti?


5: What languages does he study?


6: Does he like pizza?




Ex-President Bill Clinton.

Bill Clinton is American.


He speaks English.


He lives in the USA.


He works in the USA.


He likes politics and films.


He drinks whisky.




7: What nationality is Bill Clinton?


8: What language does he speak?


9: Where does he live?


10: Where does he work?


11: Does he like politics?


12: Does he speak Portuguese?


13: Does he live in Manchester?


14: Does he live in Liverpool?


15: Where does he live?


16: Does he like chicken stroganoff?


17: Does he play football?




About yourself.



18: Where do you live?


19: Where do you work?


20: Do you speak Portuguese?


21: Do you like politics?





22: What nationality is Zico?


23: What nationality is Doria?


24: Where does Doria live?


25: Where does Doria work?


26: What language does Lula speak?


27: Where does Neymar play football?


28: Does Lula speak Portuguese?


29: Does Daniela Mercury speak English?


30: Does Lula speak French?


31: What language does Rihanna speak?


32: Does your brother speak English?


33: Does he speak Italian?


34: Does he like music?


35: Does he like jazz?


36: Does your sister like music?


37: Does she speak English?


38: Does she like ice-cream?


39: Does she like travelling?


40: Does she like studying?


41: Does she like castles?



Her name is / His name is 

O nome dela é / O nome dele é



42: What’s your mum’s name?


43: Her name is


44: What’s your mum’s name?


45: Her name


46: What's your mum's name?


47: Her


48: What’s your dad’s name?


49: His name is


50: His name


51: His





52: What’s your dad’s name?


53: What’s your brother’s name?


54: What’s your mum’s name?


55: What’s your sister’s name?


56: Does your brother/sister like music?


57: Where does he work?


58: Where does he live?


59: Does he like shopping?


60: Does he like watching TV?


61: What’s your mum’s name?


62: What’s your sister’s name?


63: Does she like shopping?


64: Where does she work?


65: Does she study?


66: Does she like whisky?


67: Where does she live?


68: Does your boyfriend / girlfriend like pizza?


69: Does your brother like football?


70: Does your mum live in Santa Rita?


71: Does your dad drink coffee?


72: Does your dad drink beer?


73: Does your girlfriend / boyfriend live in England?


74: Does your husband / wife work in Italy?


75: Does your sister like shopping?


76: Does your dad like cooking?


77: Do you study?


78: Does your mum study?


79: Do you live in Joao Pessoa?


80: Does your brother live in Manaíra?


81: Do you work at Manaíra Shopping Centre?


82: Where do you work?


83: Where does your sister study?


84: Do you like listening to music?


85: Does your boyfriend / girlfriend like watching films?


86: Where do you study?


87: Where does David Luis live?


88: Where does Fernandinho play football?


89: Where do you live?


90: What nationality is Bill Clinton?


91: Where does the Brazilian President work?


92: Where does Neymar play football?


93: Do you have a Visa Card?


94: Do you like driving?


95: Can you swim?


96: Where does your boyfriend / girlfriend live?


97: Does your dad like cooking?


98: What language does Gilberto Gil speak?


99: Do you have a checking account?


100: Where do you work?


101: Can you drive?


102: Do you live in Campina?


103: Do you have a cheque book?


104: Do you have a credit card?






Big   / small


Beautiful  /  ugly


Old  /  new


Old  /  young


Hot  /  cold


Rich  /  poor


Cheap  /  expensive


Long  /  short





Is = é / está

Are = é / está / são / estão / somos / estamos




My house is very big.


The shoes are very beautiful.


My dad is old.


My friend’s car is pretty old.


Some clients are very rich.


This product is quite cheap.


This shirt is too long.


My bedroom is very small.


My colleague is very ugly.


My brother is quite young.


I have a new car.


I am very poor.


These clothes are pretty expensive.


My skirt is too short.






Bedroom = quarto


Shoe = sapato


Quite = um pouco


Pretty = bastante / bonita


Clothes = roupas


Too = demais


Shirt = camisa


Skirt = saia







Tall  /  short


Thin  /  fat


Full  /  empty


Strong  /  weak 


Heavy  /  light 


Intelligent  /  stupid


Fun  /  boring


Delicious  /  disgusting



HOMEWORK: Write sentences using all the adjectives.



For example:



My boss is pretty tall.


My time is short.


I am quite thin.


He is quite fat.


The bar is full.


My beer glass is empty.


Gustavo Borges is strong


My brother is weak.


This table is very heavy.


The new shoes are very light.


My girlfriend is intelligent.


My boss is stupid.


The beach is fun.


The football game is boring.


I ate a delicious pizza.


The beer was disgusting.






Glass = Copo


Game = jogo


Was = foi / era / estava


Table = mesa


Ate = comi






105: What is the opposite of ‘big’?


106: Do you have a credit card?


107: Does your dad like shopping?


108: What is the opposite of ‘long’?


109: Do you deal with difficult clients?


110: Can you drive?


111: What is the opposite of ‘Beautiful’?


112: Does Kaká speak English?


113: What language does Roberto Carlos speak?


114: Does Yvette Sangalo like dancing?


115: What is the opposite of ‘cheap’?


116: What is the opposite of ‘thin’?


117: Do you have a checking account?


118: Where do you live?


119: Can you cook?


120: Does your sister like watching American films?


121: Do you like listening to MPB?


122: What is the opposite of ‘hot’?


123: What is the opposite of ‘heavy’?


124: What’s your name?


125: Do you like watching TV?


126: Do you prefer lager or vodka?


127: What is the opposite of ‘full’?








= There is




= There are





For example:


There is a shopping centre in Pinheiros.


There are three shopping centres on Paulista.


There is a bakery on my street.


There are three new films at the cinema.


There is a table in our dining room.


There are four chairs in our dining room.


There is a book on the table.




Please write 3 examples of ‘there is’ and three examples of ‘there are’.






In João Pessoa, there are a few shopping centres. In Mag Shopping Centre, there is a Claro store, a Banco do Brasil and a Banco Santander.


In Manaíra Shopping Centre, there are a few restaurants and bars such as McDonalds and China in Box.


Along the beaches in Manaíra, there are a few bars and pizzerias, but not many. In Recife, there are hundreds of bars and restaurants near the beaches.




There is’ is also used to describe things that are uncountable (incontável).




For example:


There is a lot of traffic in Recife and São Paulo.


There is a lot of crime in João Pessoa.


There is a lot of poverty in Cubatão.


There is some pollution in the sea.


There is some rice on my plate.


There is some dust on the table.


There is some sugar in the coffee.

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