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Image by Connor Mollison




Good morning!


Good afternoon!


Good evening!




Hi. How’re you doing?  Very well, thank you.


HI. How are you?  Very well, thank you.


Hi. How’s it going?  Very well, thank you.



Good morning!


Good afternoon!


Good evening!



Hi, my name is Juliana.


Hi, my name is Jonathan.




What’s your name?


My name is




What’s your name?


My name




What’s your name?






What’s your name?








Are you Brazilian?


Yes, I’m Brazilian.




Are you Brazilian?


Yes, I’m




Are you Brazilian?






Are you Brazilian?





To speak = Falar



Do you speak Portuguese?


Yes, I speak Portuguese.




Do you speak Portuguese?


Yes, I speak




Do you speak Portuguese?


Yes, I




Do you speak Portuguese?






Do you speak Portuguese?






Do you speak English?


No, I don’t speak English.




Do you speak English?


No, I don’t speak




Do you speak English?


No, I don’t




Do you speak English?


No, I




Do you speak English?







Do you speak Italian?


Do you speak Japanese?


Do you speak German?


Do you speak Russian?


Do you speak Portuguese?


Do you speak Japanese?








What’s your name?


Do you speak Portuguese?


How’re you doing?


Good afternoon!


Are you Brazilian?


Do you speak English?


What’s your name?


How’re you doing?


Good evening!


Do you speak English?


Do you speak Japanese?


Are you Brazilian?




To Like = Gostar



I like football.


I like samba.


I like pinga.


I like music.


I like coffee.


I like pizza.


I like spaghetti.


I like beer.


I like lager.


I like Brazilian music.


I like American films.


I don’t like football.


I don’t like samba.


I don’t like pinga.


I don’t like music.


I don’t like coffee.


I don’t like pizza.


I don’t like spaghetti.


I don’t like beer.


I don’t like lager.


I don’t like Brazilian music.


I don’t like American films.



But = Mas 



I like samba, but I don’t like jazz


I like lager, but I don’t like whisky


I like sports, but I don’t like golf


I like suspense, but I don’t like romantic films


I like TV, but I prefer music


I like pizza, but I prefer spaghetti Bolognese


I like basketball, but I prefer volleyball


I like beer, but I prefer wine





Questions and Answers.



Do you like music?


Do you like pinga?


Do you like beer?


Do you like pizza?


Do you like samba?


Do you like forró?


Do you like vodka?


Do you like volleyball?


Do you like football?


Do you like American films?


Do you like Brazilian films?


Do you like romantic films?


Do you like jazz?


Do you like beef stroganoff?


Do you like coffee?




To have = Ter.


I have an apartment.


I have a house.


I have a car.


I have a motorbike.


I have a TV.


I have a brother.


I have a sister.


I have an intelligent boss.


I don’t have an apartment.


I don’t have a house.


I don’t have a car.


I don’t have a motorbike.


I don’t have a TV.


I don’t have a brother.


I don’t have a sister.


I don’t have an intelligent boss.



I have an apartment, but I don’t have a garden.


I have a TV, but I don’t have a DVD player.


I have a motorbike, but I don’t have a car.


I have a brother, but I don’t have a sister.




Questions and answers.




Do you have an apartment?


Do you have a car?


Do you have a good boss?


Do you have a sister?


Do you have a brother?


Do you have a DVD player?


Do you have a TV?


Do you have a motorbike?


Do you have a watch?


Do you have a boyfriend?


Do you have a girlfriend?



Revision test 2.




How’re you doing?


Good afternoon!


Do you have a car?


What’s your name?


Are you Brazilian?


Do you have an apartment?


Do you like vodka?


Do you like football?


Do you have a house?


Do you have a brother?


Do you like beef stroganoff?


Do you like American films?


Do you like blues music?


Do you have a sister?


How’re you doing?


Are you Brazilian?


Do you like volleyball?


Do you like lager?


Do you prefer beer or wine?


Do you prefer music or films?


Do you prefer American music or Brazilian music?


Do you prefer forró or jazz?




Banking Vocabulary.




Current account = conta corrente (UK English)


Current a/c = conta corrente (UK abbreviation)


Checking account = conta corrente (USA English)


Checking a/c = conta corrente (USA abbreviation.)



Chequebook = talão (UK English.)


Checkbook = talão (USA English.)



Credit card = cartão de credito


Money = dinheiro


Change = troco



Questions and Answers.



Do you have a current account?


Do you have a credit card?


Do you have a Visa card?


Do you have a MasterCard?


Do you have a checking account?


Do you have a checkbook?


Do you have any investments?


a) Yes, I have some investments.

b) No, I don't have any investments.


Do you have any change?

a) Yes, I have some change.

b) No, I don't have any change. 


Do you have twenty pounds, please?

a) Yes, I do.

b) No, I don't. Sorry.


Do you have ten dollars, please?

a) Yes, I do.

b) No, I don't. Sorry.


Do you have twenty euros, please?

a) Yes, I do.

b) No, I don't. Sorry. 



I have a current a/c but I don’t have a cheque book.


I have a cheque book, but I don’t have a credit card.


I have a Visa card, but I don’t have a MasterCard.


I have money in my current account, but I don’t have any investments.


I have a Visa card, but I don’t have a cheque book.


I have an account at Itaú, but I don’t have an account at Bradesco.


I have a Banco do Brasil cheque book, but I don’t have a credit card.


I’ve got 20 dollars, but I don’t have 10 cents. Sorry.


I’ve got a £20 note, but I don’t have any change.


I’ve got twenty-five pence in change.


I haven’t got any change. Sorry.


I’ve only got a £5 note. Sorry.



Revision test 3.


How’re you doing?


Good morning!


Good evening?


What’s your name?


Do you like spaghetti?


Do you like lager?


Do you have any change?


Do you have a brother?


Are you Brazilian?


Good afternoon!


Do you have a cheque book?


Do you have a credit card?


Do you speak Portuguese?


Do you speak Italian?


Do you prefer stroganoff or pizza?


Do you have a current account?


Do you like boxing?


Do you have a checking account?


Do you have any investments?


Do you have a Visa card?


Do you prefer samba or jazz?


Do you speak Spanish?


Do you speak Japanese?




To live = Morar / Viver

To work = Trabalhar

To study = Estudar



I live in João Pessoa.


I work at Ambev.


I study at UFPB.



I don’t live in Recife.


I don’t work at Perdigão.


I don’t study at USP.



Do you live in Recife?


Do you live in Natal?


Where do you live?


Do you work at Iguatemi Shopping Centre?


Do you work on Avenida Paulista?


Where do you work?


Where do you study?




I work at Mag Shopping Centre, but I don’t study.


I live in Mandacaru, but I don’t work in Mandacaru.


I work on Epitacio Pessoa, but I don’t work at Unibanco.


I work on Edson Ramalho, but I don’t live on Edson Ramalho.



Revision Test 4.


How’re you doing?


Good evening!


Do you like football?


Where do you live?


Do you have a Visa card?


Where do you work?


What’s your name?


Are you Brazilian?


Do you have a cheque book?


Do you speak Italian?


Do you have any investments?


Do you prefer football or films?


Do you like Brazilian music?


Where do you study?


Do you study English?


Do you have a current account?


Do you live in Rio?


Do you have a car?


Do you speak Portuguese?


Good morning!


Do you work at Banco Itau?


Do you have any change?


Do you like beer, or do you prefer guarana?





I like shopping


I like working


I like dancing


I like drinking lager


I like eating spaghetti


I like watching TV


I like listening to music


I don’t like shopping


I don’t like working


I don’t like dancing


I don’t like drinking pinga


I don’t like eating cheeseburgers


I don’t like watching violent films


I don’t like listening to rap





I like shopping but, I don’t like watching football.


I like watching volleyball, but I don’t like watching boxing.


I like listening to reggae, but I don’t like listening to classical.


I like dancing forró, but I don’t like dancing hip-hop.


I like driving, but I don’t like driving in the rain.





Do you like dancing?


Do you like shopping?


Do you like working?


Do you like studying?


Do you like listening to rap?


Do you like eating chicken?


Do you like driving?


Do you like drinking whisky?


Do you like working on Saturdays?


Do you like studying history?


Do you like eating beef stroganoff?


Do you like eating chocolate?



To deal with = Lidar com / Tratar com.


I deal with clients.


I deal with many clients.


I deal with difficult clients.


I deal with many difficult clients.


I like dealing with clients.


I deal with money.


I like dealing with money.


I deal with many good clients.


I deal with many wealthy clients.


I like my clients.


I like my job.


I don’t like my job.


I deal with different clients.


I deal with many different clients.


I deal with many problems.


I like dealing with problems.


I never deal with clients.


I never deal with difficult clients.


I never deal with money.


I deal with clients, but I don’t deal with money.


I deal with many clients, but I never deal with difficult clients.


I deal with many clients, but I never deal with difficult ones.


I like dealing with clients, but not with problematic ones.



Questions and Answers.


Do you deal with clients?


Do you deal with many clients?


Do you deal with difficult clients?


Do you deal with problematic clients?


Do you like dealing with clients?


Do you like dealing with difficult clients?


Do you like dealing with money?




How’re you doing?


What’s your name?


Do you deal with many clients?


Do you deal with money?


Do you like shopping?


Do you like dealing with clients?


Do you like dealing with problematic clients?


Do you have a car?


Do you like working?


Where do you live?


Where do you study?


Do you have an apartment?


Do you speak English?


Do you speak Italian?


Are you Brazilian?




May I help you?


May I help you, sir?


May I help you, madam?


May I help you?



Questions and Answers.


Do you prefer to pay by cheque or by credit card?


Do you have a chequebook?


Do you have a credit card?


Do clients prefer to pay in cash, by credit card or by cheque?


Do you have 10 pence in change, please?


Do you have a Credicard, a Visa Card or a MasterCard?


Do you have 20 cents, please?


Do you have any change, please?


Do you have a £5 note, please?






Do you like dealing with clients?


Do you speak English?


Where do you work?


Do you like dealing with money?


Do you have a credit card?


How’re you doing?


Do you like drinking beer?


Do you like watching TV?


Do you prefer listening to blues music or MPB?


Are you Brazilian?


Do you prefer to pay by cheque or in cash?


Where do you live?


Where do you study?


Where do you work?


Do you like watching TV, or do you prefer dancing?


Do you have an apartment or a house?


Do you have a flat or a house?


Do you live in SP?


Do you have a car or a motorbike?


Do you have a brother or a sister?





Payment in cash or by credit card?


Are you paying in cash, by cheque, or by credit card?


In cash.


By cheque.


By credit card.




Please, put it on my credit card. / Please, charge it.



Do you accept Visa?


a: Yes, we do.

b: Sorry, no we don't.


Do you accept MasterCard?


a: Yes, we do.

b: Sorry, no we don't.






I can dance


I can swim


I can cook


I can play snooker


I can use a computer


I can’t dance


I can’t swim


I can’t cook


I can’t play snooker


I can’t use a computer





I can drive a car, but I can’t drive a bus.


I can cook spaghetti or beans, but I can’t cook lasagna.


I can play volleyball, but I can’t play snooker.


I can play the guitar, but I can’t play the piano.





Can you cook?


Can you drive?


Can you swim?






How’re you doing?


What’s your name?


Are you Brazilian?


Do you speak English?


How are you?


Which Shopping Centre do you prefer?


Do you deal with clients?


Do you deal with many problems?


Do you have a brother?


Do you like lager?


Do you like studying?


Where do you live?


Where do you work?


Can you cook?


Can you swim?


Do you pay by credit card or in cash?


Do you have a MasterCard?


Do you have a checking account?


Do you have a chequebook?

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